063008 despereaux

The Tale of Despereaux

  • Miggery Sow

    Mig is born and her mother dies.
  • SOLD to the man in blue

    Mig's dad sells her to a man and leaves.
  • Roscuro is born

    Roscuro has just been born!
  • Roscuro talks to Botteceli

    Roscuro talks to Botteceli
    Roscuro wants to find the meaning of life so he talks to Botteceli.
  • Roscuro, torturing!

    Roscuro totures a prisoner because Botteceli tells Roscuro to do this.
  • Roscuro up to the light

    Roscuro wants to go up to the light and so he ventures up the stairs and into the light.
  • Queen,Dead?

    Roscuro kills the Queen and Pea calls hima rat so he promises revenge.
  • Despereaux is born

    Despereaux is born
    Despereaux is born and everyone finds him weird.
  • Despereaux does not want to learn

    Despereaux does not learn from his brother and sister but reads a book!
  • Mig and her Uncle

    Migs uncle always clouts her but then guards come and take Mig away from her "uncle'.
  • Despereaux and his human interaction

    Despereaux is drawn to humans and interacts with them. And to add oil to the fire, his brother Furlogh sees him!
  • The council comes

    The council then judges Despereaux and sends him to the dungeon.
  • Gregory

    Despereaux then meets Gregory who will save him if he tells him a story.
  • Mig messing up

    Mig messes up alot so she is sent as a dungeon servant to feed Gregory
  • Evil Roscuro

    Roscuro gets Mig on her way out and tells her an evil plan to get revenge on the princess.
  • Home Free!

    Gregory hid Despereaux in the napkin and mig took the dish up to the light!
  • Bad loss!

    The cook sees Despereaux and so Mig cuts Despereaux's tale off!
  • Ghost!

    The council sees Despereaux and counts him as a ghost!
  • Princess captured!

    Roscuro and Mig take the princess into the dungeon.
  • King visit

    Despereaux tries to tell the king about Roscuro plans but the king does not listen.
  • Despereaux to the rescue

    Despereaux to the rescue
    Despereaux comes to the rescue and battles Roscuro leaving Roscuro tailess!
  • Soup!

    The cook is eating soup and lets Despereaux have some
  • The Happy Ending

    Despereaux now is with the king and princess and Roscuro can be in the light, and now Mig is with her father.