Chapter 11

  • May 27, 1000

    Toltec reconquest of Itza and influence in Yucantan.

    The reconquest of Chichen Itza occured about 100 C.E.and from there, their influence spread northward.
  • May 27, 1150

    Fall of Tula, disintegration of the Toltec Empire

    Tula fell to nomadic invaders from the north, consequently, the center of power shifted from Central Mexico to the valley of mexico where the victors in the following wars, the Aztecs, were to be found.
  • May 27, 1200

    Missisipian culture flourishes

    Consisted of maize and bean agriculture based alongside rivers, that spread througout Mexico.
  • May 27, 1325

    Aztecs established in central Mexico; Tenochtitlan founded

    The aztecs became respected as fearsome warriors and made their way towards central mexico, looking for a snake atop a cactus eating a snake as the sign to make civilazation, and they did so in Tenochtitlan.
  • May 27, 1350

    Incas established in Cuzco area

    Emerged as the victors in the southern Andean area, under their leader Inca, Pachacuti, they sttrove to conquere all surrounding shores of Lake Titicaca.
  • May 27, 1434

    Creation of Triple alliance

    An alliance between the three Aztec City-states: Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, reciece tribute payments.
  • May 27, 1435

    Great Expansion under Inca Pachacuti

    Under Inca Pachacuti, the incas expanded throughout the Lake Titicaca region and under his son, the empire stretched from Columia to Chile.
  • May 27, 1436

    Rule of Nezhualcoyotl at Texcoco

    Helped his people's culture flourish throughout the land and was know for his poetry also.
  • May 27, 1438

    Incas dominate cuzcos in southern highlands

    The incas used their military might to destroy the cuzcos in of the southern highlands in open combat.
  • May 27, 1440

    Moctezuma 1

    Brought about a new era in Inca society and raised the empire to new heights and his achievements were built apon by his succesors.
  • May 27, 1471

    Inca Topac Yupanqui increases areas under control

    He conquered Chimor and created the system of the four provinces during his reign over the incas.
  • Moctezuma 2

    Expanded the empire southwards very far, and was the current ruler when the spaniards landed in the Americas.
  • End of Intermediate Horizon and decline of Tihuanaco and Huari

    Brought about a significant political and cultural change in the Americas, new capitals were established and people moved to richer lands.
  • Chimor empire based on Chan Chan on north coast

    Located on the northern coast of Peru and was the largest kingdom in the Intermediate kingdom, culturaly influence by the Chan Chan and Huari.
  • Tula established by Toltecs

    Tula was the base of their empire and helped their culture extend throughout the continent and outside of their kingdom.