
My Personal Odyssey

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born in St. Mary's hospital, here in Evansville. When I was born I had a fairly rare disease called Glactosemia. Fortunately, I grew out of the disease as I got older.
  • Sister Was Born

    Sister Was Born
    I was 3 years old when my sister was born. My sister and our cousin Courtney, were born on the exact same day, 8 hours apart, in the same hospital, down the hall from each other and both of their initials are CR. They also were born on the birthday of our older second cousin.
  • Started Kindergarten

    Started Kindergarten
    I started Kindergarten at Trinity Lutheran School and continued to go there through 8th grade. My Kindergarten class had a total of 12 kids.
  • Began Cheerleading

    Began Cheerleading
    In 1st grade, I started cheerleading at a gymnastics/cheerleading facility called Mega. I went there for 3 years and then switched to The Cheer Zone and cheered there until 2009. I continue to cheer here at North and it's a big part of my life.
  • Graduated 8th Grade

    Graduated 8th Grade
    My 8th grade graduating class had a total of 10 people, 4 boys and 6 girls. We were all very close and it was hard for some of us to separate but we still try to keep in touch.
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    In 2013 I will graduate from North High School and move on to college to study something of my interest to have a future profession in someday.