Mass Media & the Jazz Age

  • Period: to

    Mass Media & the Jazz Age

    We are moving foward to a greater freedom, to greater security for the average man than he has ever known before in the history of America
  • Joesphine Baker

    Joesphine Baker an Afican American, remarkable singer, actress, & dancer. Jospehine Baker worked her way from the racist north in Missouri to upper classman in Paris, French. There was were her road to stardom began.
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    After the American civil war, liberated African-Americans searched for a safe place to explore their new identities as free men and women. They found it in Harlem. It was when culture csme together & the exotic jazz age. Hence “The Roaring 20s” for its dynamic changes, the decade became known for its celebration of excess and its rejection of wartime ideologies. Americans also began investing more time and money in leisure activities and artistic endeavors.
  • Louis Armstrong

    Louis Armstrong fame begun in 1922 through ensemble lead and second cornet lines. After Olivers band grew tiring, Louis seeked further fame by deciding to do solo recordings and emerging as the first great jazz soloist throughout 1925-28.
  • Paul Robeson

    Paul Robeson, a Afican American actor during the 1920's carrer as an performer grew rapidly. Paul played major roles in movies through the 1920's. For example The Emperor Jones & All God’s Chillun Got Wings were premiered in 1924. Not only did Robeson act, he aslo song in programs of Negro Spirituals in a historic concert at the Greenwich Village Theater on April 19, 1925.
  • William H. Johnson

    In 1926, Johnson went to Paris, where he not only painted but also began his studies of modernist art.William did most of his work on emotion & mood.
  • Duke Ellington

    Duke Ellingtoon, whom is best known for composing over 3000 songs of his lifetime was one of the most famous musicians. In 1927 started his fame at the Cotton Club where him & his band it their home.
  • Lois Mailou Jones

    Jones’s formal career as a painter began when she met sculptor Meta Warrick Fuller, who inspired one of her earliest paintings “The Ascent of Ethiopia,” a tribute to Africa and the Harlem Renaissance. Soon she emigrate to France where she would be fully appreciated as an artist.
  • Sargent Claude Johnson

    Johnson, a prominent sculptor of the late 1920s based most of his art in plaster, bronze, and ceramic on African masks and other cultural motifs. He was known for pieaces like; Sammy, a bust of a black boy, and other busts, such as Chester. Many of his early pieces were in glazed ceramic, and he also exhibited drawings.
  • Walt Disney

    The creator of Mickey Mouse and founder of Disneyland and Walt Disney World grew a lot attention to Mass Media; for example Steam Boat Willie now known as Mickey Mouse was & still is Disneys famous creation.