
!3 colonies

  • Virginia foundation

    Virginia foundation
    IN 1607 virginia was founded : was fouinded for relifiouse and freedom from the pilgrams : the founder was : john smit
  • Massachisetts foundation

    Massachisetts foundation
    The day massachisetts was foundad : was founded for religous and political freedom : was founded by : brerdford
  • The fist thanksgiving

    The fist thanksgiving
    The pilgrams made their fist succesfull feast
  • New jersuey

    New jersuey
    was fouded by john berkeley was founded for both religios and economic opportunities
  • foundation of new amsterdam

    foundation of new amsterdam
  • foundation of New hamshire

    foundation of New hamshire
    The day new hamsire was founded : was founded for economic oppurtunites
  • Maryland

    was founded by george calvert reason fjounded : lord balfmore for relegios and pelitiical freedom for cathliks
  • Rhode island

    Rhode island
    Was founded by george calvet and for religious and pelitical freedome
  • cennectict

    Cennectict was founded by thomas hooker in 1636 for religious and political freedom
  • New sweden

    New sweden
    was founded by peter minuit for
  • North carlina

    North carlina
    Was founded by a group of of propretors in 1663
  • South coralina

    South coralina
    was founded by a grop of patriots was founded for economic opportunities
  • Pennselvania

    was founded by william penn in 1682 for economic freedom form queakers
  • Goargia

    was founded by janes cglthorpe for economic ppurtunities
  • James town

    James town
    The Jamestown settlement in the Colony of Virginia was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas . James town was the reason virginia was founded