2nd Industrial Revolution

By bravo24
  • Dynamite

    Invented by Alfred Nobel and the dynamite was invented to explode. He licensed it in the U.S and the Industrial Revolution began.
  • Telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell was the inventor of this invention that made a huge change in our lives. Communication with others, no matter where they were, have become possible and so much easier.
  • Light Bulb

    Invented by Thomas Edison . The light bulb consists of light energy, the most safest and inexpensive.
  • Motorcycle

    Invented by Gottlieb Daimler. This invention was to help travel small distances. The motorcycle did not use gas nor energy and was really heavy.
  • Coca Cola

    This soft drink was created by Dr. John S. Pemberton. Led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains.
  • Camera

    Invented by George Eastman. Dry, transparent, and flexible photo film.
  • X-Ray

    Wilhelm Röntgen invented this machine who detected electro magnetic radiation and waves which is known as the X-ray.
  • Vacuum Cleaner

    Invented by Hubert Cecil Booth. He created this invention because he got inspired by a Thurman's machine, so he came up with ideas and came along with the first Vacuum Cleaner.
  • Air Conditioner

    Invented by Willis Carrier. He invented this to control humidity and fundamentally change and improve the way we work, live, and play
  • Model T (Ford Company)

    Invented by Henry Ford. The first car to be affordable, prices ranged from $850-$300 as the years passed.
  • Toaster

    Invented by Charles Strite. The invention was made to toast bread with a timer, so the toast wouldn't end up burning.
  • Band-Aid

    Invented by Thomas Anderson & Johnson & Johnson employee Earle Dickson. This product was invited because his wife Josephine would frequently cut and burn herself while cooking.