
By KaelaC
  • Dien Bien Phu

    French Commander Orders a "Cease Fire."
    The battle was 55 days long.
    8,000 French injured.
    8,000 Vietnamese dead and 12,000 injured.
  • Ho Chi Mihn Trail

    The North Vietnamese set up a trail in Loas, Cambodia and Thailand allowing them to travel through and surprise attack American troops and South Vietnamese troops.
  • The U.S becomes actively involved

    Kennedy orders American troops to aid the South Vietnamese troops.
  • Operation Rangeland

    The mission is to clear anything that can conceal the North Vietnamese off of streets and along highways making it harder for them to ambush the opposing troops.
  • Gurl of Tonkin Attack

    The South Vietnamese attack North Vietnamese troops on two islands while an American ships leads North Vietnamese ships away.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Attack

    Two U.S planes crash while American jets bomb two Naval bases.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The U.S government gives Johnson the power to take action against the North Vietnamese troops.
  • Rolling Thunder

    The bombing mission by America against North Vietnam begins.
    Lasts 3 1/2 years ends November 1, 1968
  • U.S offers peace and economic aid

    The U.S offers economic aid in exchange for peace but the offer is turned down, two weeks later Johnson raises the number of troops to 60,000.
  • First Battle

    The United States win.
    700 Vietcong dead.
    45 U.S dead and 200 injured.
  • Operation Junction City

    Goal to destroy Vietcong bases and headquarters.
    30,000 of U.S troops along with 5,000 South Vietnamese succeed.
  • TET offensive begins

    200 senior officials are arrested for opposing the TET offensive.
  • Khe Sanh is attacked by Vietcong

    Lasts 2 days.
    18 Marines killed instantly and 40 injured.
  • My Lai massacre

    Charlie Company kills 200 civilians. Only one member is tried and found guilty.
  • Nixon takes office

    "Peace with Honor"
  • Operation Menu

    Nixon authorizes the bombing of Vietcong and North Vietnamese bases in Cambodia.
  • All but 133,000 American troops have returned home

  • Peace talks break down

    All peace talks between America and North Vietnam end in Paris.
  • Peace talks resume

    North Vietnam and the United States talk about peace in Paris.
  • Cease Fire

    All parites sign a cease fire.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
  • Last Casualties and Final Evactuation

    The Last casualties are killed in Saigon's airport and at dawn the last of the American troops leave Vietnam.