
2a - Incentives

  • Consumer Incentive

    Consumer Incentive
    -Value or Quality of Product
    -Lower Price of Product Consumers look for great quality items at lower prices, if they find a product advertised at a lower price, they will go out of their way to get the better deal.
  • Producer Incentive

    Producer Incentive
    -Profit or chance of Profit
    -A consumer following or Popularity The only reason for producers to make a product is the oppurtunity to gain a profit off of an item. In the process, a huge following behind the quality of the product might grow, increasing sales and profit.
  • Worker Incentive

    Worker Incentive
    -Paycheck and Bonuses
    -Benefits (healthcare, social security)
    -Oppurtunity to be Promoted with higher pay Workers are fueled by several incentives, being money or Paycheck, benefits for themselves and their families, and the chance of being promoted.
  • Saver Incentive

    Saver Incentive
    -Interest earned
    -Lower prices with better quality Savers are all about saving money and even making a few extra dollars if possible. So sales or any othe transaction that allows the saver to have the upper hand is how they are persuaded to buy certain products.
  • Investor Incentive

    Investor Incentive
    -Capital Gain (Profit)
    -Investing in Huge, profitable businesses Investors are moved solely by one incentive in two different ways, profit and the oppurtunity of gaining profit. If a businrss has great potential or already has success, investors would love to back their company.
  • Citizen Incentive

    Citizen Incentive
    -Choice of voting for politicians who share their views
    -Rights of a citizen Citizens only consider themselves citizens because they're given the freedom of choich and the rights that come with being a citizen. In the U.S. the Bill of Rights and Constitution promise many freedoms upon qualified citizens, such as speech, religion, and assembly.