Chapter 4 Terms

  • Aug 21, 1441

    Indians as Slaves

    Cause: The Spanish needed more people for a slave labor force so they tried using native people. But because of disease and warfare, they had to turn to another group because the population was going down.
    Effect: The Spanish now turned to Africans to do the labor, causing a new era in slavery.
  • Aug 21, 1500

    Slave Raiding

    Cause: the Spanish needed to get slaves to work because the Indians population was disappearing.
    Effect: Large arimies launched massive attacks burning whole towns taking hundreds of prisoners to work in the fields.
  • Aug 23, 1500

    Collective Resistance

    To reduce the possibility of collective resistance, traders split up families. They also inspected each passanger before putting them to work.
  • Aug 21, 1520

    Tight Packers

    Cause: The demand for slaves in the new colonies made people do whatever they could to get slaves over from Africa.
    Effect: More and more people were risking life in order to gain the upper hand in the slave trade and bring as many Africans over as possible.
  • Tobacco Plantations

    Tobacco plantations began spreading throughout the Tide
    Water region, which is from Delawre to North Carolina. They are significant because it was the single most important commodity produced in North America, bringing in more than a quarter of the value of all colonial exports.
  • Navigation Acts

    Cause: aimed specifically at excluding the Dutch fromteh carrying trade. The regime was concerned with England and left the colonies largely to their own devices.
    Effect: it created the legal and institutional structure of Britains eighteenth cuntury colonial system.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Cause: Nathaniel Bacon leading violent raids that included the murder of Indians.
    Effect: Many colonial leaders began to worry about potential rebellions among former indentured servands in the backcountry.
  • Wool Act of 1699

    Cause: England wanted to have the best enterprises in the world, so restrictions were placed on businesses.
    Effect: England placed limitaions on the colonial enterprise like wool becasue they did not want any to compete with the ones they had in England.
  • Fictive Kinship

    African Americans began using terms like "brother" and "sister"to address peers and "auntie" or "uncle" to address adults. This is significant because it was one of the first devices enslaved African Americans used to humanize the world of slavery.
  • Methods of Slave Resistance

    African slaves often refused to cooperate with their masters, often by "accidntly" destroying their property or running away. Advertisments were placed in newspapers by the masters when slaves ran away. Records show that even the most trusted slaves ran away and most were men in their 20s.
  • James Olgethorpe

    He hoped to establish a buffer against Spanish invasion from Florida adn create a safe place for poor British farmers who could then sell thir products in South Carolina markets. He also convinced parliament to agree to prohibiting slavery in Georgia.
  • Stono Rebellion

    This is significant becasue a group of 20 recently arrived Angolans sacked the armony in Stono South Carolina. They armed themselves and began marching towards Florida, which meant freedom. They beat drums to help attract other slaves to their cause. They were finally stopped by the militia.
  • King George's War

    Cause: Tension between the French and British when the French attacked teh British in Nova Scoita.
    Effect: The French fortress of Louis burgon on Cape Breton Island by an expeition of Massachusetts troops in conjunction with the royal navy. Also, the French agreed to a negotiated a settlement.
  • John Woolman

    Wrote a book called "Considerations of the Keepings of Negroes" in 1754. The book pointed to the Bible's declaraton that all people were of one blood and urged his readers to imagine themselves in place of the African slaves.
  • King William's War

    Cause:England and France who were usually allies with Spain began a long struggle tor colonial supremacy in North America.
    Effect: A war that continued all the way to the conclusion in 1763.