• Mercantilism

    A system of regulations to ensure that the wealth from slavery benefitted the colonies. Monachs sought to control the colonies through politics. Colonists did not complain about the system until 1760.
  • East India Company

    British trading monopoly. Exporters paid too little attention to the export of products to colonies. Followed Spanish example.
  • Hudson Bay Company

    British trading monopoly in the Hudson Bay region.
  • Royal African Company

    A trading monopoly for the African region. Created by th British monarchy.
  • Jamestown

    First colony started by joint-stock companies. Also the first permanent English settlement in Virginia & N. America. Led to more colonies being established & conflict with Native Americans.
  • Tobacco

    Provided Virgina with "merchantable commodity". The revenue produced the first returns on the investment of the Virginia Company. Production quickly exhausted soil- leading to more pressures to expand into Indian territory.
  • Predestination

    Theory of Calvinism where God has already decided who will be saved in the Second Coming. Congretionalists began to question this belief as devotion to religion fell. The thought of free will was comforting.
  • William Bradford

    An English Seperatist who led the first Pilgrams during the Mayflower journey. Led to expansion of englsih colonist population & the Mayflower-Compact.
  • Mayflower-Compact

    Drafted by William Bradford. The first document of self-government in N. America. Meant to reassure the hired men on the Mayflower who questioned the Pilgrim authority.
  • John Calvin

    A prominent reformer. Followers known as Puritains. They wished to purify the English Church. Fled from England in 1629 due to King Charles I's campaign of repression. Led to Calvinism & the Great Migration.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    A Puritain colony that later became Salem. Puritan leaders transfered company operations to America after being granted a royal charter. The company was changed into a civil government.
  • Great Migration

    The Puritain emigration to Massachusetts Bay. Fled from England and repression, Had no tolerance of other religions besides Puritanism. Caused by King Charles I's campaign & led to the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Women's Issues

    New England society held women as the keeper of the house. They were not educated & were expected to marry. Widowers & women who could not have children were expected of witchcraft. A culture of women being subordination of women to men. Led to dissenters & protestors leaving the colony to created others with their ideals.
  • Harvard

    College that gave families reason to educate themselves. Entrance required knowledge of Latin. Unique education system led to higher literacy rates in New England.
  • Navigation Acts

    Outlawed trading between English colonies & other foreign countries except G. Britain. Products included items from S. slave colonies, N. indian trade & things needed for shipping companies. Products reexported created G. Britain's
    18th century structure of colonial system. Benefitted colonists, ended 1696.
  • Half-way Covenant

    An agreement that offered a solution to the requirement to attend church. Members' children who hadn't experienced conversion could join as half-way members. Restricted from participation in communion. Puritains chose to manage conflicts instead of resolve them, causing conflict/tension.
  • Representative Assembly

    The governors of Carolina elected a popular assembly to represent the colonists. Led to mor independence in colonies.
  • King Philip's War

    Indian peoples of southern New England & Puritan colonies fought for the control of land. Lasted 1 year. Disaster for the Indian people. Led to more tension between colonists & Indians. Marked the end of organized Indian resistance,
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Indian-English confrontation that took place the same time as King Philip's War in the Chesapeake. Nathaniel Bacon led unauthorized, violent raids against the Indians, but turned on the government of Jamestown. Overthrew the government-ended with his death. Signaled conflict of interests & encouraged planters to accept slavery faster in fear of disorder amoung formwe servants.
  • Culpeper's Rebelion

    Backcountry men in North Carolina overthrew the proprietary government. Led to faster accpetance of true slavery in the colonies.
  • Glorious Revolution

    King James II tried to gain too much control over the colonies & England's parliament. This caused tension in the colonies. Parliament replaced him with his daughter & her dutch husband. Released tension in the colonies & led to a ": constitutional monarchy".
  • "Constitutional Monarchy"

    Queen Mary & her husband agreed to repect a Bill of Rights & annual consulting with Parliament. Also agreed to administer & enforce parliamentary legislation. Revolts broke out in the colonies after the Revolution. Colonies gained back their independence but the monarchy gained control over the colonies aswell.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Mass accusations of witchcrft in Salem, Massachusetts. Accusations were tied with social tensions in the colony. Outsiders were targeted. Reveiled the darkside of Puritain beliefs of women.
  • Impact of Slave Trade on Africa

    Africa began as an independent, but as the market grew Africa lost it's independence & the economy stagnated (except for the slaving countries). The growing market threw neighboring kingdoms into a destructive arms race. Prepared the way for European conquest of Africa in the nineteenth century.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Any colonial rules & regukations deemed contrary to good business practice were ignored by the government. Policy created by Prime Minister Walpole.
  • Enlightenment

    Philosiphy/belief that the universe is governed by natural laws that people can understand & apply for their benefit. Draws from the discoveries of Galileo, Sir Isaac Newton & others. Writers emphasized rationality, harmony, & order. Stood in stark contrast with the religious views of the period. Marked the beginning of the decrease of devotion to religion.
  • Rationalism

    Thinking with reason. Contrasted with culture's traditional views of the inevitable human failure & disorder & the mystery of God/nature.
  • Rationale for Dispossessing Indians

    Puritains argued that Indians did not use their land properly. Others thought that indians did not dserve their land since they were savages. Violence toward Indians was quickly accepted as everyday colonial life.
  • Arminianism

    Theological principle where people have the free will to choose salvation by developing their good faith. In harmony with Enlightenment view that man was a rational being. Caused decrease in deotion to religion.
  • Queen Anne's War

    A continuation ofthe power struggle between England & France. First of the fighting in the 18th century. Britain invaded Florida & destroyed St. Augustine. Spain & France fired back by bobming Charelston. Brittish won & the war ended in 1713 with the Peace of Utrecht. Began slave trading in spainish ports- led to ilicit trade & more conflict.
  • Virginia Slave Code

    Slave laws in Virginia:
    - children will inherit the status of their mothers & baptism does not take away the slave status.
    - death of a slave during punishment is not a felony.
    Caused by the growing population of slaves. Closed important avenues of freedom & strengthened slavery instistution.
  • Saybrook Platform

    Enacted a government in Connecticut ran by councils of ministes & elders instead of congregations. Weakened the passion & commitment of church members.
  • Peace of Utrecht

    Treaty that ended Queen Anne's War. Gave G. Britain the right to supply slaves ti the spanish colonies. Led to more fighting.
  • Fictive Kinship

    addressing unrelated persons as "auntie" or "uncle". A sign of respect in the slave community. May have been one of the first devices African slaves used to make the world of slavery more human,
  • The Great Awakening

    National revival in religion. Caused by the sudden decrease in rekigious devotion due to increasing living standards. Began with Jonathan Edwards. Ministers had to preach differently to gain followers. Impacted all races, social classes, & sexes.
  • JonathanEdwards

    Minister who began the Great Awakening. Preachings appealed to emotions & focused onthe youthful generations.
  • Poor Richard's Almanac

    Almanac that used the traditional literary form to promote the Enlightenment emphasis on useful & practical knowledge. Brought Enlightenment philosophies to ordinary people.
  • George Whitefield

    a preacher who helped reawaken religion in the colonies. His preaching had a powerful affect, popularity grew. Religious devotion increased,
  • War of Jenkin's Ear

    War of Caribbean conquest. Prime Minister Walpole did not want to go into full on war, but was urged by Parliament & the people. British fleet defeated in Caribbean. Decided the boarder of Florida & Georgia.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Largest slave rebellion in the collonial period. A group of frsh slaves marched to Florida- grew to 100 slaves. Ploundered & killed 30 colonists along the way until destroyed by the militia. Inspired more slave revolts & rebellions.
  • Indian epidemics

    Indian tribes suffered a beating from European diseases. Population declined to 1 million in 300 years. Population was overwhelmed.
  • Tight Pack

    Captains of slave trading ships packed slaves in as much as possible to fit more slaves & stay with the growing demand of slave labor. Risked life of slaves but had an upperhand in the market. Led to faster growth of plantations and the market.
  • Tobacco Plantations

    European demand for tobacco increased, causing an increase of slave labor. Could not have been accomplished without massive slave labor.
  • Birth rates

    Women in the colonies were extremely fertile, giving birth to an average of seven babies. Low mortality rates & high birht rates cause the population to grow dramatically.
  • Immigration Policies

    Varied in colonies. New England colonies had open boarders, causing their population to become a melting pot. Spanish & French colonies had many restrictions.
  • Amanda is born

    Amanda is born in Swedish Hospital at 11:25 in the morning
  • The Hubble Telescope is Repaired

    Afte being launched in 1990, it was discovered that a mirror was icorrectly placed on the Hubble Telescope. It's repair led to clear pictures of space. Led to technological & scientific discoveries.
  • First Planet Outside of Our Solar System Found

    Scientists found the first gas giant containing planets outside of our soalr system. Major scientific discovery that brings us one step closer in answering the "Are we alone?" question.
  • President Clinton confirms the Area 51 Conspiracy

    Clinton signed the executive order 95-45 allowing the Groom Lake Air Force Base- suspected to be Area 51 by conspiracy theorists- to restrain from releasin their environmental records to the public. Leds to people questioning their government.
  • Selena is Murdered

    The singer Selena was murdered by her fan club President in Texas. She impacted our culture,
  • Cloning

    The sheep Dolly is cloned by scientists. A significant scientific break-through.
  • Columbine School Shooting

    Two students brought guns to school & open fired at their classmates. Impacted community & our culture.
  • 9/11

    In the early morning two planes crashed into the World Trade Center's Twin Towers in New Yrok City. Countless were killed in the terrorist attack. Led to the "war on terror"
  • The Virginia Tech Massacare

    Four days before the 8 year anniversary of the Columbine shooting, a gunman open fired on the students of Virginia Tech. 33 in cluding the gunman were killed. Impacted community & culture.
  • Michael Jackson Dies Suddenly

    Michael Jackson- the King of Pop- was found dead in his home at the age of 50. Cause of death first believed to be cardiac arrest but recent autopsy reports confirm that his death was a homicide. Lethal amounts of anesthetic were found in his system.