
20th century genocides

  • Armenian genocide

    Armenian genocide
    In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population.
  • Holocaust

    It began with a simple boycott of Jewish shops and ended in the gas chambers at Auschwitz as Adolf Hitler and his Nazi followers attempted to exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe.
  • Cambodian Genocide

    Cambodian Genocide
    . In Cambodia, during the Khmer Rouge rule, under Pol Pot, more than 1,700,000 people were murdered. And these are the official numbers. Unofficial reports account for as many as 2,300,000 casualties.
  • Serbia Genocide

    Serbia Genocide
    In the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups, the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims in Bosnia. 200,000 people killed by croats and serbs
  • Rwanda

    In 1994, the Rwanda Genocide resulted in the deaths of 800,000 Tutsi and Hutu sympathizers.