2017 Kaitlyn Ladner US History

  • 10,000 BCE

    The Earliest Americans

    The Paleo-Indians crossed the Bearing Land Bridge probably around 38,000 and 10,000 BC
  • Period: 1500 BCE to 1300

    Native American Culture

    The earliest people in America were hunter-gathers. These people were Anasazi, North and Northwest, West and Southwest, Great Plains and Northeast and Southeast.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1400 BCE

    Early Mesoamerica and South American Societies

    Some the earliest Americans were Mesoamerica which are Inca, Aztec, Olmec and Maya
  • 874 BCE

    Vikings reach North America

    Vikings were the first European to make contact with North America.
  • 600 BCE

    Sundiata saves Mali

    Sundiata win back his country independence.
  • 509 BCE

    Roman Government

    The Roman Republic was created.
  • 500 BCE

    Greek Government

    Ancient Greeks favored human reasons and believed in the power of the human mind.
  • 500 BCE

    Middle Ages

    Europe divided into small kingdoms and that was the beginning of the Middle Ages.
  • 800

    Ghana becomes a trading post

    They had a big source of salt.
  • 1400

    Riches in Asia

    Everyone wanted their spices and their items went all the way to the Mediterranean.
  • 1429

    Native American's die

    The European are immune to their diseases but unlike the Native Americans weren't immune so many died from it.
  • 1450


    Renaissance was new time period where it brough rebirth among Europe. This also weakened the feudalism system.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Set Sail

    Christopher finally sets sail after asking King Ferdinand and Queen Isabelle.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus arrives in America

    After ending their journey from the Canary Islands he hit land of some other land.
  • 1500

    Cortez defeats the Aztec

    After some time passes Hernan Cortez defeats the Aztecs.
  • Period: 1503 to

    Gold and SIlver

    Spanish forces loaded with the bounty possessing 200 tons of gold and 18,600 tons of silver from Aztec and Inca empire to Spain.
  • 1510


    Slaves were legalized for sale in colonies.
  • 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther went against the Catholic Church and with this started the force Protestants Reformation from Germany to Europe.
  • 1522

    First to Circumnavigate

    The voyage only remaining people were eighteen people of Magellan original crew survived. Their whole voyage was 40,000 miles long.
  • 1524

    Verrazano Travels Northwest Passage

    Verrazona was sent to try and find the Northwest Passage.
  • 1526

    King Afonso Letter

    He is asking King Joan 3 to let go of his people.
  • 1534

    Pizzaro defeats Inca empire

  • 1534

    King Henry eighth

    Founded the Church of England, or the Anglican Church.
  • First Colony

    First 105 colonist were sent by the London Company set forth in a America.
  • John Smith

    He arrived and made them work hard
  • Pilgrims escape

    They moved from England from persecution to go to Netherlands.
  • John Rolffe & Pocahontas

    They got married and with that they peace between each other.
  • African

    A dutch ship brought the first African to America to be enslaved
  • Assembly

    Virgina was the first to legislature in North America.
  • Mayflower goes to America

    They wanted to Europe decided to leave Europe altogether with 100 men, women and children aboard.
  • Pilgrims and Native American

    A Native American names Samoset bravely walked into the colony to give them useful tips and information. Squanto also came to give them tips about fertilizing plants and corn.
  • Period: to

    Great Migration

    Many thousands of English men, women and children. From England to Massachusetts.
  • Settlers

    English Catholics came to Maryland 200
  • Peter Stuyvesant

    Stuyvesant led the colony at first,
  • Toleration Act

    Lord Baltimore declared this because their was a big argument about religion. With this law no one could disqualify the rights of a different religion.
  • Encomienda system

    It 's were the settlers have the right to take money away from Native American.
  • Carolina's became a colony

    King Charles gave much land between Virginia and Spanish Florida.
  • French and Indian War

    Around 1670s a bit of tension emerged because the Wampanoag Leader disliked the colonists efforts to take his people's land.
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Bacon formed a group which would go against the Natives American and European treaty.
  • William Penn

    King Charles 2nd agreed to give permission Penn a charter west of New Jersey.
  • King James 2nd

    When King James became the king of England he wanted to take more charge. James thought that the colonies were too independent so he United them under one government.
  • Georgia is found

    King George 2 gave them permission to charter to James Oglethorpe.
  • Colonial Courts

    Sometimes the colonial courts also protected individual freedoms. For instance in 1733 officials arrested John Peter Zenger for producing a distorted statement that hurt the legacy of governor of New York.
  • Fighting

    With the fighting erupting you can surely suspect a war.
  • Philadelphia

    By this time Philadelphia was the biggest colony city.
  • Sugar Act

    The Parliament gave the sugar act, which set duties on molasses and sugar imported by colonists
  • Town Meeting - Taxes

    Otis was against the fact that they can tax them even without their permission. Then there was a town meeting about taxing where Adams agreed with Otis.
  • Stamp Act

    With this people could tax with official stamp or seal.