2017 Jannes Zink Dalat World/US History

By Jannes
  • 10,000 BCE

    Alaska, Paleo-Indians Crossed

    Nobody really knows how or when but people believe that the Paleo-Indians were the first to cross the Bering Land Bridge over to Alaska. People say it happened at around 38,000 BC and 10,000 BC
  • 5000 BCE

    North America, Hunter Gatherers learned to Farm

    The earliest people in North America were the hunter gatherers. Although they were hunters, after 5,000 BC some or most of them learned to farm.
  • Period: 1195 to 1522

    Mexico, Aztec Empire

    In 1195 the aztec arrived in the valley of mexico, in 1522 they declined
  • 1324

    Ghana, Mansa Musa left Mali

    Mansa Musa was the ruler of Mali for about 25 years. Then in 1324 he left Mali on a hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • 1400

    Portugal, Henry's School

    In the early 1400's, Prince Henry the Navigator (who never went on voyages) built or founded a school of navigation to teach better methods of sailing.
  • Period: 1438 to 1532

    Modern-day Peru, Inca Empire

    The Inca Empire lasted from 1438 to 1532.
  • Period: 1492 to

    Europe, European exploration

    Spain: 1513 - 1542
    Portugal: 1487 - 1499
    English: 1497 - 1498
    French: 1524
    Dutch: 1609
  • Oct 3, 1492

    Spain, Columbus sets Sail

    Columbus set sail with his three ships. The Nina and the Pinta were the caravels while he was on the larger one called Santa Maria.
  • 1512

    Florida, Leon discovered it

    In 1512 Leon discovered the coast of what is now present-day Florida.
  • Virginia, English Merchants Settled

    In 1605 a company of english merchants asked King James I for the right to found or establish, in 1606 King James I told them that they could settle in a place called Virginia.
  • Period: to

    New York, New Netherlands

    In 1613 the Dutch found New Netherlands as a trading post for trading fur with the Iroquois. In 1664 an english fleet attacked the undefended colony of New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam became New Jersey and New Netherland became New York.
  • England, Mayflower Left

    Mayflower was a ship that had over 100 men, women, and children on board going to north Virginia. The Pilgrims new that they wouldn't be accepted in Virginia so they decided to create their own laws and rules to govern the colony they would found.
  • New York/New Jersey, English fleet captured...

    In 1664 an English fleet captured the unarmed city of New Amsterdam and New Netherland, New Netherland became New York and New Amsterdam became New Jersey.
  • England, King James II became King

    In 1685 King James II became King of England. He was determined to take control over the English Government both in England and the colonies.
  • England, Stamp Act

    The British Government researched different ways they could tax people, Prime Minister Grenville proposed the Stamp Act of 1765 where colonists had to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items.
  • Modern Day, World Wide, Import & Export

    In modern days we Import and Export everything we need or don't need but want like for example a famous phone that is manufactured in China would be Exported from China and imported to other countries. This is what happened in the columbian exchange back in the 1500's.
  • Modern Day, USA, Trump vs. Kim Yong Un

    Back then colonies were taking over colonies and they were attacking each other or they were threatening to attack them. Well the same thing is happening today with for example: Trump and Kim Yong Un.
  • Modern Day, Earth, Global Warming

    When the Paleo-Indians crossed over to Alaska, the Bering land bridge soon after vanished because of climate change when it got warmer. This is similar to today where there is Global Warming and certain places are melting because of it.