2017 Eugene Tee Dalat World/US history

  • 38,000 BCE

    The Paleo Indians

    The Paleo Indians crossed the Bering Land Bridge into Alaska. But no one knows exactly when or how people crossed into it.
  • Period: 1500 BCE to

    The Native Americans

    The Anasazis are one of the early farm cultures in the Southwest. Over time they use irrigation to increase food production (1500 BC). The Hopewell supported their large population with agriculture and trade. They built large burial mounds to honor their dead (1000 BC). The Mississippians built hundreds of mounds for religious ceremonies. Cahokia alone had more than 100 temple and burial mounds (1700 AD).
  • 1324 BCE

    Mansa Munsa's Travel

    Religion was important to Mansa Munsa. So he left Mali on a hajj, making his journey to Mecca for the spiritual duty of all Muslims. He influences all Islams and spread through the world.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1534

    The Early Mesoamericans

    The Olmec developed the earliest known civilization in Mesoamerica. The Olmec are known for their use of stone and in architecture and sculpture(1200 BC)The Maya cities had pyramids, large stone temples, palace, bridges and importantly, canals(200 AD). The Aztecs were the fierce warriors, and their superior military ability was key to their success(1100 AD). They conquered many towns and made alliances to build their empire. The Incas are known for building and for art(1400 AD).
  • 509 BCE

    The Roman Republic

    The Roman Republic was created to elect officials to rule the city. These officials had power but only allowed to stay for one year. So roman law were written in the city. These also changes people's rights.
  • Period: 300 to 1500

    West Africa's Great Kingdoms

    Ghana were farmers along the Niger River. These farmers called Soninke. Ghana's trades grew because of salt and gold, they have tons of them (1060). Mali was ruled by a ruler named Mansa Munsa. Religion was really important to him so he built many mosque (1500). The Songhai Empire was also ruled by Mansa Munsa. But one of the Songhai's greatest ruler was Askia the Great. He improved the professional army and also education. (1400)
  • 1400

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Prince Henry was responsible for advances for making exploration in Portugal more successful. He never set a voyage before and he built a school to teach people to sail.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus's Journey

    Christopher Columbus thought he can set sail to Asia by going across the Atlantic Ocean. But when he arrived that place, he thought it was India. But it was actually today's America. He also made the Columbian Exchange. This means that America and Europe can exchange goods.
  • 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    A German named Martin Luther publicly criticized the Roman Catholic Church. Luther charged that the church was too wealthy and that it abused its power. Criticisms like Luther's started the Protestant Reformation.
  • Period: 1520 to

    African Diaspora

    About 12 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic as slaves. More than 10 million of these captives survived the voyage and reached the Americas. The slave trade led to the African Diaspora. Enslaved Africans were sent all across the New World.
  • 1534

    Conquest of the Inca Empire

    Francisco Pizarro, a conquistador that wanted to conquer the Inca Empire. But they had fewer than 400 men in his army. But unlike Inca, like the Aztecs, had no weapons to match the conquistadors' swords and guns. So Pizarro and his Native American allies had conquered the entire Inca Empire.
  • Jamestown,Virginia

    105 colonists was sent by the London Company arrived in America. On May 14, about 40 miles up the James River in Virginia, the colonists founded Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America.
  • Period: to

    The 13 Colonies

    Virginia was ruled by John Smith who took control and built a fort (1608). Maryland was ruled by the Lord Baltimore (1620). South Carolina and North Carolina are separated because its hard to govern (1730). Georgia was ruled by James Oglethorpe (1733). Massachusetts Bay was led by John Winthrop (1630). Connecticut's Fundamental Orders were written by Hooker. New Hampshire and Rhode Island. New York and New Jersey was found by The Dutch (1613). Pennsylvania and was ruled by William Penn (1644).
  • New York and New Jersey

    The Dutch founded New Netherlands in 1613 as a trading post for exchanging fur with the Iroquois. The center of the fur trade in New Netherlands was the the town of the New Amsterdam on Manhattan Island.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    14 of the male passengers on the ship signed the Mayflower Compact, a legal contract in which they agreed to have fair laws to protect the general good. The Compact represents one of the first attempts at self-government in the English colonies.
  • English Bill of Rights

    Parliament replaced the unpopular King James and passed the English Bill of Rights in 1689. This act reduced the powers of the English monarchy.
  • Stamp Act

    The British government continued to search for new ways to tax the American colonies, further angering many colonists. For example, Prime Minister Grenville proposed the Stamp Act of 1765. This act required colonists to pay for an officials stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items.