2017 Adelynn Tan Dalat US history

  • 38,000 BCE

    First migration to the America

    The Paleo-Indians were the first to migrate to America through the Bering Land Bridge into Alaska. These people were hunter-gatherers meaning they would hunt for animals an father wild plants as food.There were Olmec and maya, Aztec, and Inca. Maya created buildings with stone and Olmec developed the first civilization and they also grew maize and lived in small villages. Aztecs were fierce warriors and the Inca's were known for their art.
  • 1500 BCE

    North America cultures-early society

    Anasazi were people who lived in North America south west and grew maize and used irrigations to increase food supplies. The Hopewell lived along the Mississippi, Ohio, and lower Missouri River valleys. They supported their large population with agricultural and trade. North, Northwest, and West,Southwest were different places. North , Northwest are Alaska and Canada. West, Southwest are Arizona and New Mexico.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 500 BCE

    The World before the Opening of the Atlantic

    the first immigrants were the Paleo-Indians, they crossed the Bering Land Bridge, they were hunter gatherers. Olmec developed the earliest known civilization and Maya had pyramids and large stone temples, palace, and bridges. They both grew maize and lived in small villages. The Aztec were fierce warriors and the Inca's were known for their art works. Anasazi were skilled basket makers. The Native Americans had totems. some of them lived in teepees.
  • Period: 1200 BCE to 1700 BCE

    New Empires in the Americas 1

    Vikings were the first people who made contact with North America. Leif Ericksson and Henry the navigator played really important roles in their trips. Columbus wanted to sail to Asia but ended up in North America instead but then started the Columbian Exchange. Ferdinand Magellan and his crew were the first to Circumnavigate the world. The Inca and Aztec empire came to a Spanish settlement where they agreed to work together. African were brought to become forced labors growing crops for others
  • 1000 BCE

    Europeans set sail-North America

    Leif Eriksson, son of Erik the Red led the Vikings to finding North America. Prince Henry the Navigator stared school to teach better sailing methods to people. Astrolabe was created. its a device where you can know the ships location. And new ships called Caravels used triangular sails that allowed the ships to sail against the wind.
  • 500 BCE

    Europe before Transatlantic Travel1

    Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were greatest greek thinkers, and philosophers. The Greeks were a Democracy government and the Rome were a Republican government. And this influenced todays government. Feudalism was were the lords could hire knights to protect them and the Crusades was a long war between European Christians and the Muslims in Southwest Asia. The rulers on Mongol made the silk trade route and from that the Black death spread across Europe and killed lots of people.
  • 500 BCE

    Europe before Transatlantic Travel 2

    The Renaissance brought a new period to Europe. Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci are the two greatest Renaissance artist. A German man name Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press which saved a lot of time writing a book, but at the same time put a lot of people out of their jobs. Genoa, Milan, Florence, and Venice turned into important trading centre and merchants created the Joint-stock companies.
  • 300 BCE

    Trading Kingdoms of West Africa-

    Ghana were farmers, they got riche because of trading salt and gold. Islam was introduced to them in 1060 by the Almoravids trying to convert them to muslim. Mali's famous king Mansa Munsa made Mali rich, powerful, and famous, and he also build mosque to spread Islamic teachings.
  • Period: 200 BCE to 500 BCE

    New Empires in the Americas 2

    The Protestant Reformation was a religious movement that begin in a small town in Germany but spreaded through Europe.In 1534 King Henry VIII founded the Church of England or the Anglican Church. the Spanish Armada is was a fight between England and Spain which England won. Most Europeans were immune to sickness so thats how the slave trade started. Africans were brought to work in peoples farms.
  • Period: 100 BCE to 50 BCE

    trading kingdoms of west africa

    Historians think that first people of Ghana were farmers by the Niger River.They traded gold and salt and that made them really rich but caused an inflation in the market. Islam was founded by Muhammad in 600s. Mali's famous ruler Mansa Musa helped Mali reached into wealth, power, and fame. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle were people who created something or invented something or is a scholar. Greece were democratic and Rome were republicans.this started the trade and also the spread of black death.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Europeans Reach the Americas- America

    Christopher Columbus wanted to sail to Asia but ended up in North America instead. There was a race between Gama and Diaz to see who reaches first. this exploration started the Columbian exchange.
  • 1500

    The Race for Empires-Europe

    Protestant Reformation was a religious movement that started in small towns but spreaded throughout Europe. Protestants protested against some of the Catholic practices. the Spanish Armanda started, and they were trying to take over England. Europeans wanted to find the Northwest Passage for trading goods. The presence of English, French and Dutch in the New World were to seek an empire in North America.
  • 1519

    Spain Build and Empire - Spain

    Hernán Corteś was a Conquistadors which are soldiers who led military expeditions in America. Moctezuma ruled Aztec and it's capital Tenichititlan was build in the middle of Lake Texcoco. They were defeated by Corteś. Corteśa also conquered the Inca Empire. Spanish began to settle their vast empire and named it New Spain. Spain people started exploring America splitting Southeast and Southwest. This was when people were forced into labor.
  • Beginnings of Slavery in the Americas-America

    European diseases had a big affect on the North Americans so they needed people to work and they knew that most Europeans are already immune to it. The Middle Passage was when African's were send to America to work as slaves. About 12 million Africans were shipped across the Atlantic Ocean as slaves.They all were from different parts of Africa and spoke different languages and had different cultures.
  • The New England Colonies-England 1

    Pilgrims were immigrants who have left their birth to live in another country. There were two ships which left England one was the May Flower. Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to fertilize the soil with fish remains. In Plymouth women had more legal rights then they did in England. The great migration is about men and women with their children leaving England by the lead of John Winthrop. Massachusetts Bay Colony had to obey English laws.
  • The New England Colonies-England 2

    Anne Hutchinson publicly discussed religious ideas that some leaders thought were radical. Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island were very different from the southern colonies. They were merchants, fisher mens, they had ship building skills, and were skilled crafts people. Education was very important in colonial New England.
  • The Southern Colonies-Jamestown

    A company of English Merchants asked King James for the right to found a new colony and it was granted and they named it Jamestown. John Smith took control and asked his workers to work harder to build a house and rewarded hard working guys with food. He also married Pocahontas and that brought peace with Powhatan but it wasn't for long. There were Indentured servants and slaves. they had a slave code that all the slaves had to follow.
  • Life in the English Colonies-America 1

    Each colony had their own governor who served as a head government. They always have public town meetings fro people to voice their opinion. They had Colonial courts part of their colonial government. Triangular trade was a system which good were and slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, and Africa. The middle passage was a voyage where the journey that could last for 3 months.The Great Awakening was a religious movement that swept through colonies and changed their colonial religion.
  • Life in the English Colonies-America 2

    Jonathan Edwards of Massachusetts was one of the important leaders of the Great Awakening. Many colonies were influenced by the Enlightenment which took place during 1700s, spread the idea that reason and logic could improve society.The French and Indian war killed around 3,000 Indians. George Washington arrived and his troops arrived and build a simple fort and named it Fort Necessity. Chief Pontiac opposed British settlement and rebellion began in May 1763.
  • Period: to

    The English Colonies-Europe

    There were 13 different colonies. There were the Jamestown, Virginia, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Delaware, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. There were the Southern Colonies, The New England, The Middle Colonies, and etc...
  • The Middle Colonies.

    New York and New Jersey were New Netherland and New Amsterdam. Director General Peter Stuyvesant led the colony to begin. William Penn Founded Pennsylvania and it was made as an important example in self-government. New England an the southern colonies grew a large amount of staple crops.
  • Conflit in Colonies-America

    Great Britain raises taxes after winning the French and Indian War. British officials tried hard to arrest all the smugglers and all the merchants were required to list all their goods and it had to be approved before the ship leaves. Samuel Adams help founded the Committees of Correspondence. There was a Boston Massacre that was a shooting. The Boston Tea party was when the Colonist dressed up as Indians just for a tea party.
  • Current day events Chapter 1

    Scientist believe that Isthmus Panama is one of the most important geological events to happen on earth in the last 60 million years.
  • Current day events Chapter 3

    There are some states which have not found self-governing. Metropolitan state is one of the examples.
  • Current day events Chapter 2

    There aren't any new empires but there are states which are trying to get by itself only like Great Britain is trying to leave the EU.