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2013 Affordable Housing Bond Program

  • Council begins bond development process

    City Council passed Resolution No. 20130117-061, beginning the bond development process.
  • City Council receives first briefing

    City staff in conjunction with nonprofit HousingWorks Austin presents an overview of the 2012 Bond Program development process as well as information on community needs and return on investment
  • City Council receives second and third briefing

    City staff in conjunction with consultant Economic & Planning Systems provided information to Council about affordable housing strategy, housing market data and a proposed financial strategy. City budget staff provided short- and long-term funding strategies.
  • Council asks for Ordinance calling bond election

    Council passed Resolution No. 20130627-068, directing City manager to bring forward an ordinance to authorize an election for voter approval of a general obligation bond proposition for affordable housing and directing the City manager to prepare scenarios for funding affordable housing for the next five years.
  • Council calls a bond election

    City Council passes Ordinance No. 20130808-007B on Aug. 8, 2013, calling for a special election to be held Nov. 5, 2013 to ask voters to consider authorizing the issuance of $65 million of general obligation bonds to fund affordable housing.
  • Period: to

    City staff hosts four information sessions

    City staff hosts four information sessions to inform citizens about the bond proposition and provide answers to questions
  • Voters approve bond proposition

    Voters approved $65 million in general obligation bonds for affordable housing