
  • The iPod

    the iPod was introduced with, for then, was such shocking capacity that, for the first time, music lovers could carry their entire music collection with them wherever they went.
  • Facebook

    Facebook transformed how people connect and communicate, it's also created its own vast walled garden, filled with details about nearly every human on the planet.
  • Youtube

    In 2005, it was very difficult and expensive to distribute video. I did some videos for clients and the challenges and costs were enormous. All that changed when YouTube made internet video free for everyone.
  • The iphone

    The thing was, it wasn't just the iPhone that blew the PC, music, landline, and cell phone markets apart. It was the apps, which took another year.
  • The Fit Bit

    With the graying of the population, the increased cost of healthcare, and the need for us all to get healthy, the quantified self may be a way for us to manage our way to better health.