Industrial revolution (timeline)

  • John lombe

    John lombe
    John lombe was a silk spinner who was born in 1693 and he died in 1722
  • John Kay And the flying shuttle

    John Kay And the flying shuttle
    The man who invented the flying shuttle was born(he looks short) he was born in the early 1700s..the flying shuttle was made in the early 1700s it made weavings bit easier it was pretty revolutionary at its time it weaved wider fabrics this invention was made in the early stages of the industrial revolution.(btw idk why its called the flying shuttle i think its because of its shape)
  • the flying shuttle

    the flying shuttle
    the flying shuttle was made in the early 1700s it made weavings bit easier it was pretty revolutionary at its time it weaved wider fabrics this invention was made in the early stages of the industrial revolution.(btw idk why its called the flying shuttle i think its because of its shape)
  • The spinning jenny

    The spinning jenny
    This invention was made in the semi-early stages of the revolution. at the time before this invention this was also done by hand which again was slower and more expensive.
  • Thomas watt and the steam engine

    Thomas watt and the steam engine
    the steam engine aloud faster-motorized vehicles to be made like a cran (mostly used near the docs ) the train and steam boats its use was a long time to this day we still use some steam engines (modified versions of course) The inventor of the invention was Thomas watt he was born in mid 1730's
  • factory system

    factory system
    Factories are buildings were machines and workers produce a certain product (depending what type of factory ) They were not the safest or well paying jobs child labor was a problem child were used since they had small and nimble hands and they could climb in machines better to fix the curtain part. (btw the date is threw the 1800s) child labor got banned in 1819 (in england)
  • Canning process

    Canning is a way of preserving food in cans for the meat fruit or vegetable fresh longer during the early 1800s they used glass jars to can today we use aluminum or tin.Canned foods were "shelf Life "
  • Sewing machine

    Sewing machine
    This machine made sewing easier before this was made people had to do it by hand for hours workers hands would start to hurt and production of cloths was slow but the,., Tada the sewing machine was made this aloud sewing to be easier and faster and cheaper.
  • Aspirin

    Felix Hoffman is the inventor of Asprin.He was born u Ludwigsburg Germany on 1868 and died in switzerland on 1946
  • Karl Benz and the auto mobile

    Karl Benz and the auto mobile
    Karl Benz (THE CAR WAS NOT A AMERICAN INVENTION HA) was a German engineer who made the horseless carriage now people get confused because America picked up the invention and made it a bit more efficient and better.And the horseless carriage wasn't really huge back then people still used horse until the early 1900s when it became more popular. karl Benz was born in Germany (he has a car company named after him) Muhlenberg. .