Canadain history

1982-2015 History Assignment Timeline (Canadian History)

  • Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms

    Canadian Charter of rights and freedoms
    The charter is a bill of rights in the Canadian constitution. It guarantees certain political rights to Canadain citizens and civil rights to everyone in Canada. Designed to bring together Canadians this was a huge step for Canada and equality.
  • Introduction: 1$ coin "Loonie"

    Introduction: 1$ coin "Loonie"
    The Canadian 1$ coin nicknamed the "loonie" introduced in 1987 is a coin that has a engraving of a loonie on one side and on the other side Queen Elizabeth. This became an iconic coin that Canada is known for.
  • Canada and U.S Free Trade Agreement

    Canada and U.S Free Trade Agreement
    The free trade agreement was signed by Canadian prime minister Brian Mulnorey and U.S President Ronald Raegan. This was a great push for Canadian and U.S trade and nation relations as the agreement resulted in a ginormous increase in cross border trade after they took away many restrictions.
  • Shut down of fisheries (Newfoundland)

    Shut down of fisheries (Newfoundland)
    The cod fisheries in Newfoundland were once a proud, successful and earnest way of living. As the unbelievable amount of fish started to dwindle due to over fishing the government shut down fisheries in Newfoundland (Cod Moratorium). This stop of fishing caused a huge dip in the economy because it was a huge money maker for Canada, causing 30,000 people to lose jobs and 8,000 to leave the province. This was a huge lesson for Canada.
  • Quebec Referendum

    Quebec Referendum
    This was a vote for Citizens living in Quebec whether or not they want to be considered not a part of Canada, which 50.6% of voters saying no. If this were to go through, there would be huge controversy and arguments to be made.
  • Canadian Human Rights Act

    Canadian Human Rights Act
    The human rights act was a step for Canada to show their openness to all kinds of people by putting out laws against discriminating against homosexuals. This is important as it was a show of how inclusive Canada is to everyone.
  • 911

    911 was the terror attack on the twin towers in New York on September 11th 2001. This forced the U.S and Canadian armed forces to send troops into Afghanistan and Iraq to spread peace among the citizens and show them peace of westerners. I feel this is important because it was the beginning of the war on Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • Same-Sex Marriage

    Same-Sex Marriage
    Canada was the fourth country in the world to legalize same sex marriage. I feel this is important because this is another step for Canada to be recognized as a country for all types of people, and show our inclusiveness of all people. We were part of the modern wave of new laws and ideas.
  • End of Canadian Armed forces in Afghanistan

    End of Canadian Armed forces in Afghanistan
    Canada had already spent 12 years and 162 Canadian soldier lives in their mission in the middle east. The final event in Kabul was to commemorate the achievements and lives lost over the years in the middle east, ending with the Canadian flag being lowered in the NATO headquarters, marking the end of Canadian operations in Afghanistan, a step in anew direction for Canada.