Events of World War Two Germany

By cain
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler is sworn in as chancellor of Germany.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany invades Poland, starting World War Two
  • France and Britain Declare War on Germany

    France and Britain declare war because of Germany's invasion of Poland.
  • France Surrenders

    France surrenders to Germany
  • Germany Invades Russia

    Hitler plans to knock Russia out of war by taking Russia
  • Battle of Britain

    Air campaign, back and forth between Germany and Britain.
  • Moscow Is Saved

    Russian forces push back Germans saving Moscow, this is a major turning point.
  • Germany Decalres War on United States

    After Pearl Harbor, United states declared war on Japan, causing Germany and Italy to Folow
  • D-Day

    American and Britich forces invade German forces at France Normandy
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide and appoints Admiral Doenitz as his successor
  • War in Europe Ends

    Germany FInally Surrenders