1877 - present time

  • 1887 - Dawes Severality Act

    1887 - Dawes Severality Act
    denies tribal rights, advances forces assimilation, opens lands to whites
  • 1890 Wounded Knee

    1890 Wounded Knee
    Federal forces massacre 200 Sioux Indians
  • 1896 - Plessy vs. Ferguson

    1896 - Plessy vs. Ferguson
    seprate but equal is constitutional (overturned by Brown vs. Board of Education
  • 1898 - Grandfather Clause

    1898 - Grandfather Clause
    voting rights of blacks challenged with literacy tests and poll taxes
  • 1898 - Spanish-American War

    1898 - Spanish-American War
    Teddy Roosevelt leads Rough Riders, U.S. crushes Spain's Navy
  • 1898 - Treaty of Paris

    1898 - Treaty of Paris
    ends the Spanish-AMerican War
  • 1901 - President McKinley assassonation

    1901 - President McKinley assassonation
    Teddy Roosevelt now 26th President
  • 1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act

    1906 - Pure Food and Drug Act
    Meat Inspection - Set food quality standards
  • 1908 - Henry Ford introduces the Model T car

    1908 - Henry Ford introduces the Model T car
    assembly lines introduced
  • 1920 - 19th Amendment

    1920 - 19th Amendment
    women's suffrage (right to vote)
  • 1913 - 16th Amendment

    1913 - 16th Amendment
    establishment of income tax, 17th Amendment direct election of senators
  • 1914

    World War I begins in Europe
  • 1917 - Zimmerman Telegram

    1917 - Zimmerman Telegram
    intercepted by British, asks for Germany/Mexico alliance against the U.S
  • 1919 - 18th Amendment

    1919 - 18th Amendment
    outlaws purchase, sale, and transport of alcohol
  • 1919 - Treaty of Versailles

    1919 - Treaty of Versailles
    ends WWI; Calls for heavy reparation on Germany, disarmament, and creation of League of Nations; U.S. Senate rejects it
  • 1927 - Charles Lindbergh

    1927 - Charles Lindbergh
    completes world's first solo flight across Atlantic - seen as a hero
  • 1929 - Stock Market Crash

    1929 - Stock Market Crash
    Black Tuesday' - launches Great Depression
  • 1932 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected president

    1932 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected president
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt elected President
  • 21st Amendment

    21st Amendment
    repeals 18th amendment (prohibition)
  • 1935 - Social Security Act

    1935 - Social Security Act
    Social Security Act - establishes funds for unemployed and elderly
  • December 7, 1941

    December 7, 1941
    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor - U.S. enters the war
  • 1942 - Battle of Midway

    1942 - Battle of Midway
    U.S. defeats Japan, seen as turning point in the war in the Pacific
  • 1945 - U.S drops atomic bombs

    1945 - U.S drops atomic bombs
    (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug 9) - Japan surrenders
  • 1954 - Brown vs. Board of Education

    1954 - Brown vs.  Board of Education
    overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson; says separate but equal is unconstitutional
  • 1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis

    1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis
    1962 - Cuban Missile Crisis - standoff U.S. and USSR after Soviets placed missiles in Cuba pointed at the United States; no fighting icurs
  • 1964 - Civil Rights Act of 1964

    1964 - Civil Rights Act of 1964
    bans dicrimination in education, employment, & public places
  • 1965 - Malcom X (Nation of Islam)

    blamed whites for African American problems; assassinated