
  • Period: to

    Early American History

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    Civil War/Reconstruction

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    The Gilded Age

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    The Progressive Era

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    World War I

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    Roaring Twenties

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    Great Depression

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    World War II

  • United Nations Formed

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    Early Cold War

    1. Containment: The action(s) taken to prevent the further spread of Communism
    2. Arms Race/Space Race: The unofficial race between the U.S. and the USSR for getting into space and making the most nuclear arms
    3. USSR: A group of Eastern Europe countries unified through Communism
    4. Communism: A form of government/economics where everything is owned by the state
    5. Domino Theory: The theory that events in one country will affect the ones nearby, and is the foundation of Containment
  • Truman Doctrine

    Gave military and economic aid to countries under communist threat
  • Sweatt v. Painter

    The University of Texas failed to uphold "separate but equal"
  • 22nd Amendment

    Limits a president to two consecutive terms.
  • Berlin Airlift

  • Marshall Plan

    A plan to help Europe rebuild after WWII
  • NATO Established

  • Korean War

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    Civil Rights Era

    1. A series of domestic policies to end poverty and racial injustice
    2. The first African-American judge on the Supreme Court.
    3. A black power organization known most for their open-carry policy
    4. The act of peacefully going against certain laws
    5. A well known Latino rights activist
  • Rosenbergs Trial

  • First H-Bomb Detonated by the U.S.

  • Hernandez v. Texas

    Mexican Americans are protected under the 14th amendment.
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    Vietnam War

  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson, demanding true equality.
  • Polio Vaccine Invented

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott after Rosa Park's arrest

  • Sputnik is Launched

  • Little Rock Nine integrated into an all-white school in Little Rock, AK

  • Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba

  • Berlin Wall Built

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Soviets out a bunch of missiles in Cuba, putting the U.S. at risk of being bombed. They quarantined the area until the situation defused itself.
  • MLK's "I Have a Dream Speech"

  • JFK is Assassinated

  • 24th Amendment

    Poll Tax Abolished
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Made discrimination based on race, religion, or national origin in public illegal.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    It gave President Johnson the authorization to do whatever he deemed necessary to maintain international peace in Southeast Asia.
  • Medicare and Medicaid Established

    Medicare/Medicaid is a federal program designed to help alleviate some of the costs of various medical procedures/items, such as drugs, surgeries, check-ups, etc.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Prohibits racial discrimination in voting.
  • Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive was a series of attacks by the Vietcong that nearly drove out the U.S. forces.
  • MLK is Assassinated

  • Civil Rights Act of 1968

    Prohibits discrimination against race, religion, or national identity when it comes to house sales, financing, or rental.
  • First Man on the Moon

  • Tinker v Des Moines

    The court ruled in favor of the students, saying that they too have the right to exercise the 1st amendment.
  • End of the Cold War

    OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, mostly comprised of the Middle East, and is responsible for the majority of exported petroleum
    Sandra Day O'Connor: The first female Supreme Court Justice
    Community Reinvestment Act of 1977: An act intended to get banks and savings associations to cooperate more with their borrowing customers
    AIDS epidemic: Also known as HIV, AIDS is a disease that targets the victim's immune system
    Star Wars: A plan to fight from space
  • Kent State University Shooting

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    End of the Cold War

  • Pentagon Papers Leaked

    A bunch of formerly classified documents got leaked, which really dropped the popularity/credibility of the government in the people's eyes.
  • 26th Amendment

    Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18.
  • Title IX

    Any public school or other place of education that receives federal money cannot discriminate based on sex.
  • War Powers Act

    A check intended to limit the president's ability to make/influence war, primarily put in place as a result of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
  • Watergate Scandal

  • Fall of Saigon

    Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, was taken by the Vietcong, effectively ending the war.
  • Camp David Accords

  • Three Mile Island Disaster

  • Iran Hostage Crisis

  • Iran Contra Affair

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    1990s-21st Century