
  • Telephone Invention

    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
  • Centennial Exposition

    The Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia was marked as the first world's fair within the United States. This was a celebration for the 100th anniversary of singing the Declaration of Independence.
  • Battle of the Little Bighorn

    This was led by Native American forces that led the horses, and bulls in order to beat the U.S. Army and their troops.
    Another name for this was Custer's Last Stand.
  • The Dawes Act

    It was started by the 49th United States Congress. It authorized the President of the U.S. to survey Native American land and divide it into proportions for individual Native Americans.
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    He becomes the 19th president of the United States.
  • Indian War

    Nez Percé Indian War was included in the American Indian Wars.
  • Light Bulb Invention

    Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
  • James A. Garfield

    He became president. He was a brigadier general in the Civil War, he won the election in 1880.
  • The ending of James A. Garfield

    He was shot on July 2, 1881. He died later, on September 19, 1881.
  • Benjamin Harrison

    He became the 23rd president of the United States.
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act

    The Sherman Silver Purchase Act was passed because of the request of farmers and miners. They were asking the government to pass it for their interests.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    This act of 1890 was trying to stop the artificial raising their prices of trade or supply.
  • The Tariff Act

    It was established to keep domestic industries from foreign competition.They began to start raising the average duty on imports to almost fifty percent.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    This was included with the Ghost Dance War and the Sioux Wars. It happened near the Wounded Knee Creek. There were 250-300 men, women, and children that were killed and 51 that were wounded.
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike which was also known as Homestead massacre. This was an industrial lockout and strike. They were trying to keep their income the same and didn't want it to decrease. The battle was one of the top most violent strikes in the United States.
  • The Panic

    The Panic of 1893 was an overall economic depression in the United States. Stock prices went down, many banks shut down, and farms ceased operation. The unemployment rate increased to something that they had never seen. This lasted until 1897.
  • Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike was a major turning point for United States labor. There were approximately 4,000 factory workers of the Pullman Company stroke because of the wage decreasing.
  • Explosion of USS Maine

    The USS Maine was a Navy ship sent from Florida to Havana, and Cuba. This was set to protect the United States during the Cuban War of Independence. It exploded in Havana Harbor during the Cuban revolt against Spain.
  • Spanish American War

    After the explosion of USS Maine it resulted in the intervention of United States in the Cuban War of Independence. It was included in the Philippine Revolution and the Cuban War.
  • Gold Standard Act

    President William McKinley signed, defining and fix the standard of value, to maintain the parity of money issued or coined by America, and to refund the public debt.