Thumb doctors have gone on strike but their demands are unclear 44067734


  • Telephone is invented

    Alexander Graham transmits a voice over a wire. Changes the world forever.
  • Railroad Strike of 1877

    Workers walk out shutting dawn thousands of miles of RR track
  • McCormick's Mechanical Harvester

    Cyrus McCormick introduces the Mechanical Harvester
  • Standardized Time Zones

    Railroads introduced and implemented new standardized time zones
  • Pendleton Act

    To reduce government corruption, an examination system was introduced when selecting federal civil servants
  • Haymarket Riot

    A strike in Haymarket that ended with a bomb explosion that killed 6 police officers. Discredited the Worker Unions' movement
  • Homestead Steel Strike

    Henry Frick closes a factory for Carnegie Steel and locks workers out when negotiations go South.
  • Pullman Strike

    A strike at Pullman Company when George Pullman refused to reduce rent in the company when there were wage cuts
  • Fed Troops Stop Pullman Strike

    Federal Troops were sent to shut down the Pullman Strike
  • Teddy Roosevelt "Rough Riders"

    Teddy Roosevelt became US secretary of the navy. He established the Rough Riders as the First Cavalry in the Spanish American War