
  • Mason Country War Ended

    Also known as the Hoodoo War. Lawlessness and violence surged. A vigilance committee committed several lynches and murders involving the Texas Rangers.
  • Telephone invented

    Alexander Graham Bell invents the Phone! Yay!
  • Great Sioux War

    Also known as the Black Hills War. The US desired the Black Hills because gold had been discovered.
  • First moving picture invented

    Eadweard Muybridge credited with the invention of the 1st moving picture.
  • James A. Garfield is elected president

    20th president of the United States. He was assassinated shortly after his election.
  • Escalator invented

    Jesse W. Reno invents the escalator. No more stairs!!
  • Cotton Candy Invented!

    In 1897 cotton candy was invented by William Morrison and John C. Wharton. Yum!
  • Spanish American War

    This war was between America and Spain. It ended with the Treaty of Paris and Cubas independence.