
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The novel was about a slave and the horrible experiences they faced day today. At the end of the novel, the slave is killed by his so-called owners. This novel was very controversial because it talked about slavery. The Northerns joined the movement to abolish slavery and it offended the Southerners because they believed it portrayed slavery in a bad way. Created tension between the North and the South.
  • Republican Party

    Republican Party
    The Republican Party was created to stop the expansion of slavery in the new territories that were entering the union. Eventually supporting the abolishment of slavery. The first election that introduced the Republican Party was the Election of 1856. The Civil War associated the Republican Party with the North
  • Dred Scott

    Dred Scott
    Dred Scott was born into slavery, he lived in slave states for the majority of his life but later he was purchased and taken to the state of Illinois, which was a free state. Scott was fighting for the rights of his family including himself. Dred Scott v. Sandford was a Supreme Court case, Scott wanting his freedom. The Supreme Court favoring against Scott, this decision was very controversial it outraged those who were against slavery. Created the Confederation States of America.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Kansas Nebraska Act
    Senator Stephen Douglas of Illinois proposed the creation of Kansas and Nebraska. The states would have the choice of whether they would want to join the union as a free or slave state. The Missouri Compromise was repealed. Kansas-Nebraska Act created the formation of the Republican Party, it drew the attention of Abharam Lincoln.
  • Bloody Kansas

    Bloody Kansas
    Bleeding Kansas was a series of violent outbreaks between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces due to the creation of the new state Kansas. It was a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, these states had the right to choose whether they wanted to be free or slave states. Bleeding Kansas was significant to the Civil War because the Senate refused to let Kansas enter as a free state. Until 3 months before the start of the Civil War. It was major talk in the political debates up until the Civil War.
  • Brooks Summer Incident

    Brooks Summer Incident
    The Brooks Summer incident was when Southern Congressman Preston Brooks beats Northern Senator Charles Summer with a cane. The cause of this being because Senator Summer was blasting three colleagues, one of them was Andrew P. Butler who was the Senator of South Carolina, he was not present. Preston Brooks was his cousin and he felt he had to defend his cousin. Brooks was known as a hero in the South, was even sent many replacement canes. North viewed Brooks as a dangerous person.
  • Election of 1856

    Election of 1856
    In the presential election of 1856, the candidates being Democrat James Buchanan, Republican John C. Fremont, and Know-nothings Millard Fillmore. James Buchanan won the election of 1856. Each party argued something different. The Democrats believed that the victory of a Republican candidate would lead to the Civil War. They also endorsed popular sovereignty to the expansion of slavery. The Republican party believed created the Kansas-Nebraska Act and still wanted to get rid of slavery.
  • LeCompton Constitution

    LeCompton Constitution
    Lecompton Constitution was a constitution that made slavery legal in the state of Kansas. It was in order for Kansas to become a slave state instead of a free state. The President was in favor of this constitution and the idea of making Kansas a slave state. This angered the Northerners because the whole idea of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was for these two territories to decide whether they wanted to be free or slave states.
  • House Divided Speech

    House Divided Speech
    The House Divided Speech was a speech given by Abraham Lincoln. In this speech, Lincoln stated that the results of the Dred Scott court case were sooner or later to make slavery legal in the North and other new territories that joined the union. Lincoln believed that the country couldn't last half slave and half free anymore before war broke out. Lincoln warned that a war between the North and the South was on its way.
  • Lincoln Douglas Debates

    Lincoln Douglas Debates
    Series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas for the seat of the Illinois Senate. Douglas ended up winning the Illinois Senate seat. The series of the seven debates caused a split in the Democratic Party because of the issue of slavery extension. Lincoln spent this time giving speeches about slavery and how it was wrong.
  • Harper's Ferry

    Harper's Ferry
    John Brown leads a small group with intentions to raid against a federal armory in Harpers Ferry. It was an attempt to start an armed revolt and destroy the institution of slavery. Some of Brown's men rounded up and a handful of hostages. Eventually, word got out about Brown's raid and it was stopped, making it unsuccessful. Ten of John Brown's men were killed. It created tension between the North and the South. Making the South especially angry because of what had occurred.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown was a lead figure in the abolishment movement of slavery. Brown lost both his wife and two kids due to illness. Brown was part of Bleeding Kansas in hopes to gain Kansas as a free state. Later Brown went to Harpers Raid and started raids, even though it failed. Brown was found guilty of treason against the Commonwealth of Virginia. Brown was hanged on December 2nd, 1859.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The presidential election was between the Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln, Democratic nominee Senator Stephen Douglas, Southern Democratic Party nominee John Breckinridge and Constuntinal Union nominee John Bell. The main issue in this presidential election was slavery and the rights the states had. Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860, the election of 1860 also lead to the seccession of states. Which would eventually lead to the Civil War.
  • Secession

    Secession was when the southern states left the union and created their own government. The southern states created their own government because the south wanted to preserve the institution of slavery. The states seceded in the following order South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. These are the seven states that seceded before Ft. Sumter. Virginia, Arkansas, Tennesee, and North Carolina seceded after Ft. Sumter.
  • Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address

    Lincoln's 1" inaugural Address
    Abraham Lincoln became the 16th President of the United States. Lincoln said he wasn't going to interfere where the institution of slavery existed and was said to get rid of the activities of the federal government. Lincoln wanting to make the peace with the Southern states but obviously not complying.