
  • U.S. Govt. under the constitution begins.

    U.S. Govt. under the constitution begins.
    -Washington is inaugurated -He states neutrality after the French Revolution begins.
  • Presidential election

    Presidential election
    -Kentucky is now the 15th state to enter the union.
    -President Washington and President Adams are re- elected as President and Vice President.
  • Presidential election part 2.

    Presidential election part 2.
    -Tennessee is the 16th state to enter the union.
    -Adams takes Jefferson's spot as president and Jefferson becomes vice president. Washington leaves the presidency after two terms.
  • Quasi War

    Quasi War
    • France tries to bribe the United States commissioners in Paris, creating building tensions. -Eli Whitney starts a company that starts to build weapons for the United States Government using his system known as the system of interchangeable parts
  • Washington dies

    Washington dies
    -Washington dies at the age of 67 in Virginia.
    - The book, The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington and the cherry-tree myth was written a year later.
  • Second Census

    Second Census
    -United States population is 5.3 million and 1 million are African Americans of whom 90,000 are enslaved.
    -South Carolina bans slaves from having religious worship from dusk til dawn.
  • Barbary War begins

    Barbary War begins
    -Tripoli declares war on the United States. So Jefferson sends the U.S. ships to the Mediterranean Sea.
    -An unknown women writes "The Female Advocate"
  • Louisiana Territory

    Louisiana Territory
    -Purchased from France for 15 million, doubling the size of the United States.
    -The Lewis and Clark expedition begins. and Ohio is the 17th state to now enter the union.
  • Twelfth Amendment

    Twelfth Amendment
    -12th Amendment is ratified, being able to separate election from President to Vice President.
    -Another Presidential election occurs and Jefferson is re-elected President.
  • Barbary War ends

    Barbary War ends
    -The war ends after the soldiers capture Darna,
    -Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean.
  • Ban on slave trade

    Ban on slave trade
    -Passed by congress, which is required by the constitution.
    -The Embargo Act is passed in response to British and French interference with the U.S. trade.
  • Embargo Act repealed

    Embargo Act repealed
    -Congress now allows trade with all countries except France and Britain.
    -President Lincoln is born.
  • Third census

    Third census
    The united states population total is 7.2 million, 1.4 million are African Americans and 1.2 million are enslaved.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    -The united states declares war on Great Britain over border and trade issues.
    -Louisiana is the 18th state to enter the union.
  • Defeat Britain

    Defeat Britain
    -The United States defeats Britain.
    -British seize Fort Niagara, burn Buffalo,NY, and blockade coastal ports.
  • First Tariff

    First Tariff
    -First protective tariff is passed by Congress
    -Second bank of the U.S. receives 20 year charter.
  • Fourth Census

    Fourth Census
    -The U.S. population is now 10 million including 1.7 million African Americans, 1.5 are enslaved.
    -Monroe and Tompkins are re-elected president and vice-president.
  • Missouri enters union

    Missouri enters union
    • Missouri is the 24th state to enter the union. -Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, and Guatemala become independent from Spain.
  • Slave rebellion

    Slave rebellion
    -Led by Denmark Vesey is crushed in Charleston, South Carolina
    -Amer. Colonization Soc. establishes Monrovia to promote emigration of free blacks.
  • Monroe Doctorine

    Monroe Doctorine
    -Europe is warned not to interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs.
    -Cotton mills begin productions in Massachusetts.