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  • The Collegiate School is founded (Yale)

    The Collegiate School is founded (Yale)
    The Collegiate School is created by the passing of a charter for creating a school
  • San Antonio is founded by the Spanish

    San Antonio is founded by the Spanish
    San Antonio's first mission and presidio are established.
  • First Great Awakening begins

    First Great Awakening begins
    The renewed interest of piety and religious devotion swept across North America's colonies, bringing about new ideas and beliefs regarding spirituality and freedoms
  • James Oglethorpe is granted the Province of Georgia's Charter

    James Oglethorpe is granted the Province of Georgia's Charter
    Olgethorpe founded the Province of Georgia (Georgia colony) as a haven for debtors and a place without slavery, yet the British see it as a buffer colony against the Spanish.
  • Treaty of Paris is signed

    Treaty of Paris is signed
    The Treaty of Paris effectively ends the Seven Years War. The expenses of this war continue to lead to the American Revolution
  • Parliament passes the Stamp Act

    Parliament passes the Stamp Act
    This was the first direct tax on colonists, and colonists objected their lack of representation in Parliaments decisions
  • San Diego is Founded

    San Diego is Founded
    The Spanish create a fort and mission, which later leads to the San Diego settlement
  • Boston Massacre occurs

    Boston Massacre occurs
    A group of colonists surrounded British soldiers, yelling and throwing objects at them. The British soldiers fired into the crowd, killing 3 people, and effectively beginning much of the strong anti-British sentiment in New England.
  • The Battles of Lexington and Concord occur

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord occur
    These battles are considered the official beginning of the American Revolution.
  • The Declaration of Independence is adopted

    The Declaration of Independence is adopted
    Thomas Jefferson and others drafted this document, which declares independence from Great Britain completely.
  • Articles of Confederation are ratified

    Articles of Confederation are ratified
    After the end of the war, the American revolutionaries create this document for the union they wished to create. The new states ratified the Articles in February.
  • The Bill of Rights are ratified

    The Bill of Rights are ratified
    The first ten amendments to the Constitutions are created as a way to limit governmental power