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  • Period: to

    Joint-Stock Company

    Plymouth Company- Granted North Carolina to New York
  • Establishment of Jamestown

    Established the town of Jamestown in VA
  • Establishment of Quebec

    Establishment of Quebec
    New France established Quebec. Quebec became the fur -trading enterprise
  • John Smith

    John Smith
    Became president of Jamestown colony. Established trading agreements with the Native Americans through Pocahontas. Later that year in October he died of a gunshot wound.
  • Santa Fe

    The Spanish established Santa Fe
  • Tobacco

    John Rolfe, an English settler, planted sweeter tobacco in Va. Became VA's cash crop.
  • Holland Settlment

    Established the Dutch/Holland settlement
  • Important year for Jamestown

    Year women arrived. First Africans arrive from dutch ships. House of Burgesses where laws were starting to be passed.
  • First Africans arrive to Dutch Settlement

  • Plymouth Colony

    Sept.- 100 Men and Women set sail on the Mayflower
    Nov.- Mayflower Compact was signed
    Dec.-Landed at Plymouth Rock
  • Jamestown Good Friday

    Henry Hudson organized the permanent settlement.
  • Dutch Settlement

    Henry Hudson organized the permanent settlement.
  • James Charter

    The king terminated its charter therefore making it a royal colony.
  • Settlers Arriving

    They arrived in MD and bought land from the Native Americans.
  • Thomas Hooker

    Thomas Hooker
    Puritan leader who established Hartford
  • New Hampshire founded

    New Hampshire founded
    Founded under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts
  • Maryland

    House of Assembly. Colony of Connecticut was formed by Hooker
  • New Hampshire came under jurisdiction of Massachusetts

  • Period: to

    Puritan Revolution

    Purify the church and get rid of anything unpure, which would be Catholicism to them. Influence of ritual and hierarchy of James I.
  • Laws and Liberties

    Massachusetts Bay Colony basis of civil and criminal law. Based this off of the puritans.
  • House of Assembly

    House of Assembly
    Divided into two parts- lower and upper houses.
    Slavery started being recognized in the American colonies
  • Navigation Act of 1651

    Restrict the shipping of Dutch
  • Navigation Act of 1660

    Controlling colonial trade to England/ New World. British parliament approved of this.
  • Conneticut

    Recognized by the King therefore becoming a royal colony
  • Staple Act

    King Charles II created this act, increasing the trade
  • John Locke’s Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina

  • Charles II colonial Policy

    Joint Council for Trade and Plantations
  • Plantation Duty Act

    Goods must be sent to England
  • Period: to

    King Phillip's War

    This war was fought between New England and Native Americans. English Colonists won.
  • Period: to

    Bacon's Rebellion

    Nathaniel Bacon, large landowner in the West, rebeled against Berkeley because we wanted to attack the Native Americans instead of keeping the peace between the two cultures.
  • Separation of New Hampshire

    King Charles II decided to divide New Hampshire into Vermont as well.
  • King's Debt

    Penn, a Quaker who founded a colony in Pennsylvania, asked the king to give him a patent for a Quaker refuge in the New World.
  • Monmouth's Rebellion/ Quakers

    an attempt to overthrow James II
    Growth of Quakers: Philadelphia became the first planned city in the English Colonies and also 8000 Quakers lived there.
  • Period: to

    Glorious Revolution

    Overthrowing of king James II. Throughout this time English Bill of Rights were established
  • Period: to

    Period of Salem Witch Trials

    Indirect manifestation between God and Satan. Betty and Abigail were the first 2 girls to have "started" it. Over a dozen were accused of practicing witchcraft.
  • Navigation Act of 1696