
  • Settlement of Jamestown

    3 British ships land in Jamestown, establishing their first colony. John Smith is named Governor.
  • France Settles Georgia

    Samuel Chaplain battles Native Americans and claims Georgia for France.
  • Settlement of Albany New York

    Dutch sailor Henry Howard settles Albany New York.
  • House of Burgesses

    First representative legislature is held in Jamestown, organized by George Yeardley
  • Plymouth Rock

    Puritan colonists land on Plymouth Rock. They form the Mayflower Compact which established a government and a legal system.
  • Settlement of Maryland

    Catholics settle Maryland. They promoted religious tolerance.
  • Slavery in Conneticut

    Slavery is legalized in Connecticut is recognized in the colonies.
  • Settlement of Rhode Island

    Rhode Island is founded by Roger Williams, first colony to promote separation of church and state.
  • Navigation Act

    Britain parliament passes the Navigation Act to control commerce in the colonies
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Jamestown is burned led by Francis Bacon. He along with 23 others were executed.
  • Louisiana claimed by France

    France claims Louisiana when Robert Cavalier de LaSalle explores the valley south of the Mississippi.
  • Settlement of Pennsylvania

    William Penn signs a treaty with the Delaware Indians for the land of Pennsylvania.
  • Period: to

    Salem Witch Hunts

    Spurred by religious preaching the Salem Witch Hunts lead to 150 arrests.