
  • Jamestown is Established

    Jamestown is Established
    This was the first permanent settlement in the New World.
  • The Indian Massacre of 1622

    The Indian Massacre of 1622
    Chief Opchanacanough and the Powhatan Confederacy tried to get rid the settlers.
  • Boston Settlement

    Boston Settlement
    John Winthrop along with other colonists decide to leave Massachusetts bay colony and create a town.
  • Providence, Rhode Island

    Providence, Rhode Island
    Two years after Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts Bay colony he founded the first settlement that believed in separation of church and state.
  • Massachusetts Establishes Law

    Massachusetts Establishes Law
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony establishes its first set of laws in the Body of Liberties.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

     Maryland Toleration Act
    Maryland passes the Maryland Toleration Act which allowed freedom of religion.
  • King Philip's War Ends

    King Philip's War Ends
    The war between the Indians and the colonists ends.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Nathaniel Bacon leads the rebellion of planters against Governor Berkeley.