
  • May 1607 Jamestown

    May 1607 Jamestown
    Jamestown was founded in 1607. The Virginia Company was founded in London and sent men over to the New World.
  • Tobacco was first planted

    Tobacco was first planted
    It was first cultivated in Jamestown around 1609. It was planted by John Rolfe.
  • First Slaves to America

    First Slaves to America
    The first slaves to enter America were by the Dutch settlers. The Dutch settlers offered the colonists slaves and this was the introduction of slavery.
  • Separatist and Purtians

    Separatist and Purtians
    The separatists were originally from England, but they didn't agree with everything they believed in. John Smith was a Puritan and founded Plymouth
  • First Quakers in the America

    First Quakers in the America
    The first Quakers to come to America were in 1656. They believed in inequality between men and women. They also believed in Pacifism which was to have peace and not fight in battles.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    It was also known as the First Indian War or Metacom's rebellion. Metacom was the second son of Wampanoag. This war or rebellion was the Indian's last effort to remove the settlers from their land.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    Bacon's Rebellion was started by a group of Virginian settlers. During the Bacon rebellion, Jamestown was burned down to the ground. This militia united black and white people to be apart of them.