14-16 Century Art

  • Nov 1, 1420


    Shows Jesus being resurrected from the tomb. Shows people around him shocked and the tranquility of the land behind him.
  • Jan 1, 1427

    Branchini Madonna

    Branchini Madonna
    Shows the virgin Mary and Jesus as a baby. Shows Mary sitting on dirt yet a queen of heaven. Pomegranates represent the promise of ressurection, roses and marigolds refer to Mary, and cornflowers relate to Christ and heaven. Shows his mercy
  • Jan 1, 1502

    Madonna & Child with Book

    Madonna & Child with Book
    Explains why Madonnas were in such high power. Shows Jesus' crucifiction and shows the child contemplate on giving him self up for mans redemption.
  • Oct 4, 1544

    The Flight into Egypt

    The Flight into Egypt
    Shows an angel guiding Madonna and child. Shows that they were going to unknown territory yet still followed the angel.
  • Dec 4, 1575

    Portrait of an Ederly Man

    Portrait of an Ederly Man
    Shows views of the counter-reformation in which favored truth over idealization. (which were serious and dark)
  • Portrait of an Old Man with Fur

    Portrait of an Old Man with Fur
    Artists brother or uncle. Shows his talent for brush strokes and the back ground colors.