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Forming a Nation in Colonial Times

  • The First Colony

    The First Colony
    Jamestown, VA. was founded in 1607 and was the first colony in North America. John Smith was the president of the colony.
  • Pilgrim Government

    Pilgrim Government
    This was known as the Mayflower Compact and was written on the Mayflower ship on their way over to the New World.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    Over a span of 10 years, Europeans migrated to the Americas to find religious freedom.
  • The Quakers

    The Quakers
    They were a religious group of people called protestants that came from England. They believed in God and thought all could have a chance to go to Heaven.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The was the rebellion of the Virginia colonists and Native Americans against Governor William Berkley.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded

    Massachusetts Bay Colony Founded
    John Mason got Land in New England and it eventually became the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    French North Americans and Native americans fought against the British over land.
  • Salem Witchcraft Trials

    Salem Witchcraft Trials
    A group of girls claimed that were possessed by demons and a total of 20 people were put on trial and killed.
  • Georgia Is Settled

    Georgia Is Settled
    Georgia was Founded by James Oglethorpe after he was given money from King George II. The colony was named after him.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    This was a war between the British and the colonists over their rights, government, land, and freedom.