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13 Colonies Project

  • 1492

    Pilgrims explore the coasts of Virginia

    Pilgrims explore the coasts of Virginia
    The Pilgrims of England explored the coasts of Virginia.
  • Period: 1492 to

    13 Colonies

    Timespan of the 13 colonies and what they did.
  • Jamestown is established

    Jamestown is established
    The first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia
  • Starving Time

    Period in Jamestown Colony history referred to as the Starving Time
  • Tobacco Farming

    Tobacco Farming
    John Rolfe establishes a tobacco plantation on the James River about 30 miles (48 km) from the Jamestown Settlement.
  • Violent Encounter between pilgrims and indians

    Violent Encounter between pilgrims and indians
    John Rolfe establishes a tobacco plantation on the James River about 30 miles (48 km) from the Jamestown Settlement.
  • People are allowed to pay to enter Virginia

    People are allowed to pay to enter Virginia
    The Virginia Company of London ended monopoly on land ownership in America. The Headright System was set up by the London company in 1618 that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia, or paid the way for someone else.
  • First Meeting

    First Meeting
    The first meeting of the House of Burgesses was held in Jamestown, Virginia, on July 30, 1619.
  • Mayflower Colony

    Mayflower Colony
    The Mayflower ship transported 102 English Puritans and Separatists, the Pilgrim Fathers, from a site near the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth, England, to Plymouth, Massachusetts, a long journey of 66 days.
  • People at Plymouth establish their own government

    People at Plymouth establish their own government
    1620 - The Pilgrims establish their own government, the basis of which was the Mayflower Compact, which they drafted on their journey to the New World on the Mayflower. The Plymouth Colony is established.
  • War between colonists and indians

    War between colonists and indians
    1622-1624 The Powhatan Wars, battles and conflicts in Virginia between colonists and American Native Indians.