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13 Colonies Project

  • Walter Raleigh

    Walter  Raleigh
    Walter Raleigh went to Roanoke Island in 1585.The Natives were not that friendly to the Englishmen.They left in 1586.No exact date.
  • John White

    John White
    John White and his Family and other colonists went to Chesepeake Bay.Many of them were killed by the Natives.John left when they came back no one was there.The word Croatoan was carved nearby.
  • Indentured Servants

    Indentured Servants
    Lots of indentured survants came from Africa.They sweated a lot on the plantation.They agreed to work on plantation to pay off voyage to America.
  • Jamestown,Virginia

    In Virginia their work was done by Indentured Survantswho agreed to work to pay off voyage to america.there soil was very swampy and wasn't good for farming.most people were getting sick and starving.Don't for sure know the date.
  • Slavery

    Slavery first began in Jamestown,Virginia.They worked on platation for other people.They came from Africa.Don't for sure know the date.
  • The Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower Compact
    the Mayflower Compact is made on this was the start of democracy.Everyone had equal say on these laws.
  • Pilgrims in Plymouth

    Pilgrims in Plymouth
    In 1620 the pilgrims landed in Plymouth,Massachussets.William Bradford and the pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.Most of them lived with the help of Squantoand Samoset.
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    the first thanksgiving was in Plymouth.Everybody was becoming friends.The natives showed the Englishmen how to grow crops and the Englishmen thanked them with a 3-day celebration to show thanks.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    On this date William Penn got permission to go to the new world.he landed in Pennsylvania.he originally called it Sylvania ,but later named it Pennsylvania after his last name.Don't for sure know the date.
  • Ben. Franklin

    Ben. Franklin
    Ben. Franklin was born in Bostin,Massachusetts.he was in clergy school for only a year.he was a scientist,inventor and writer.his first book was :Poor Richard's Almanac.