13 colonies

By cbilb
  • The creation of the first Roanoke Colony

    The creation of the first Roanoke Colony
    In 1585, the first Roanoke colony was created. It was on Roanoke Island off the coast of North Carolina.
  • The finding of Jamestown

    The finding of Jamestown
    In 1607, the colony Jamestown was found. It was named after King James 1.
  • Africans' arrival in Jamestown

    Africans' arrival in Jamestown
    In 1619, Africans arrived in Jamestown. They were probably indentured servants.
  • The landing at Plymouth

    The landing at Plymouth
    In 1620, the pilgrims landed at Plymouth. They came to the new world for freedom of religious beliefs.
  • The first Thanksgiving

    The first Thanksgiving
    In 1621, the first Thanksgiving was held in the New England colonies. It was held to thank their God for their first harvest.
  • The finding of New Amsterdam

    The finding of New Amsterdam
    In 1626, New Amsterdam was found. It was the capital of New Netherland.
  • John Winthrop

    John Winthrop
    In 1630, John Winthrop arrived in Salem. Winthrop was a lawyer and first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony who told his followers,"We shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us".
  • The attack of New Amsterdam

    The attack of New Amsterdam
    In 1664, New Amsterdam was attacked. The settlers of New Amsterdam were not happy with their governor and refused to fight the English and the colony became New York.
  • Journey down the Mississippi River

    Journey down the Mississippi River
    In 1673, Jacques Marquette and Louis Jolliet set on a journey down the Mississippi River. Marquette was a missionary from New France and set up missions down the river. Jolliet thought the Mississippi lead to the Pacific Ocean and wanted to find out if it was true.
  • The finding of Pennsylvia

    The finding of Pennsylvia
    In 1681, King Charles ll gave William Penn land in the New World. Penn was going to name it Sylvania meaning woods, but named it Pennsylvania.