
13 Colonies

  • Walter Raleigh and the 100 men

    Walter Raleigh and the 100 men
    Queen Elizabeth let Walter Raleigh to send 100 people to Roanoke Island in 1585 after some explorers foun out it was a great place for settlement. But when they got there they weren't nice with the Native Americans and left because they were late for harves time, so they went back a year later.
  • Simon Fernandez

    Simon Fernandez
    Raleigh was very mad at the one hundred men leaving. So Walter Raleigh sent Simon Fernandez with more than 100 people to go there. John White was put in charge of checking on the men who stayed at the fort.
  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    Raleigh was mad about the men leaving, so he sent Simon When John White got there, he found out that the men were killed by Native Americans. Fernandez said tho settle there. White left with Simon Fernandez to get supplies. But when they got there they found that there was a war in England and Spain that lasted 2 years.
  • Croatoan

    When the war finally ended, he went back to Roanoke. But when he got there, no one was there. The word "CROATOAN" was carved nearby. He tried to find the village of Croatoan when a hurricane started which forced him to go back to England. The people called it "The Lost Colony".
  • Jamestown

    In 1607 over 100 landed on the banks of Virginia. They attacked some Native Americans. John Smith, their leader, told them to make a fort, but a strong winter came. Only 60 men survived and made Jamestown. Smith was later captured by Native Americans. they were about to execute him when Pocahontas threw herself over Smith, so they didn't kill them. Se then helped the Jamestown.
  • John Rolfe

    John Rolfe
    Smith returned to England when he got ill. The relations between the colonists and the natives. 4 years late Pocahontas heard that Smith died. She went to Jamestown but was imprisioned. They moved her to anothe settlement whereshe met her husband, John Rolfe.
  • The Other Southern Colonies

    The Other Southern Colonies
    Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina were the Southern 13 Colonies. Tobacco, indogo and rice were profitable crops. The House of Burgesses was the first elected assembly, and slaves came by boat. Slavery was prevelant in the south.
  • Mayflower

    In 1620, the Mayflower sailed to the new world for religious freedom. They wanted to settle in Jamestown, Virginia, but some strong winds made them land in Plymouth Rock. They made a Meeting House for church and meetings, and the Mayflower compact, a way to keep order, develop laws and show loyalty to the king. Lots of people died of multiple causes, when 2 Native American named Samoset and Squanto helped them. They formed an alliance with the local native tribe and formed the first Thanksgiving
  • William Bradford and the Feast

    William Bradford and the Feast
    After their succesful harvest, William Bradford Formed a celebration feast. They held the feast with the native tribe, Squanto and Chief Massasoit. It lasted 3 days! It is what we call Thanksgiving. Their colonies were Massachusetts, Conneticut, Rhode Island and New Hampshire. They had ocean water, fertile soil, rivers and forests.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    King Charles II gave William Penn land in the New World because he owed Penn's father. Penn called it Pennsylvania. It was free and fair jury and freedom of religion. Other Middle Colonies were New Jersy, New York, and Delaware. They had rivers, forests, rich farm lands and fertile soil, and were the bread basket colony and produced iron.