13 colonies cover

13 Colonies

  • The Lost Colony

    The Lost Colony
    The lost colony, which is also called the Roanoke colony. Established on Roanoke Island. Roanoke Island is also called tpday a dare county. The decied to established a permanent English settlement.
  • Period: to

    13 Colonies Timespan

  • Walter Raleigh comes to the New World

    Walter Raleigh comes to the New World
    Walter Raleigh came to the New World and setteled on Roanok Island with over 100 men. They came when it was to late to harvest. Hw couldn't harvest so his supplies were dwelling. With that they all had to go back to England a year later because he needed more suppiles.
  • Jamestown Established

    Jamestown Established
    England made a daring proposition to sail lto a new and unseen land. Which was called Virginia. Then Elizabeth began a settlement in Virginia. When they settle they looked around and found Jamestown and decied to establish it
  • House of Burgesses established

    House of Burgesses established
    After Governer George arived in Jamestown, he immediately said that the Virgina colony would establish a assembley .Thats when they established the House of Burgesses.
  • Ocean Hopkins born

    Ocean Hopkins born
    Ocean Hopkins was the first child born on the Mayflower. She was the only child and born in 1620. Her mother and father are Stephen and Elizabeth Hopkins.
  • The Pilgrams settle at Plymouth Rock

    The Pilgrams settle at Plymouth Rock
    The Pilgrams settled at Plymouth in 1620. They went to seek for religious freedom when they found the new world ( North American). They said that is was a good lace to settle.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact is a writen agreement. Compesed by settlers ariving at Plymouth. They arived in November of 1620. They fared across the ocean on the Mayflower. The ship was signed the Mayflower Compact by 41 english colonists
  • The first Thanksgiving

    The first Thanksgiving
    The Pilgrams started Thanksgiving in 1621 . They were a religious colony. So they used Thanksgiving world prayer and not eating.
  • The Puritans come to the new world

    The Puritans come to the new world
    The Puritans come to the new world in 1630. Unlike the pilgrams who set sail 10 years eirther. The Puirtans did not break the church of england. Insted they reformed it.
  • Pennsylivina established

    Pennsylivina established
    Pennsylivina was established on December 12, 1787.Was found by William Penn in English North America. He found the land on March 4, 1681 as dectated to a royal charter.