13 Colonies

By MMV2018
  • Pocahontas meets John Smith

    Pocahontas meets John Smith
    Pocahontas and her father wouldn't let any Englishmen, until when she was 11 years old, when her brother captured John Smith.
  • Pocahontas saves John Smith

    Pocahontas saves John Smith
    When John Smith was captured he needed to go with Chief Powhatan, they were going to kill him but, Pocahontas came and stopped everything by begging her that to not kill him that never happened.
  • John Smith went back to U.K

    John Smith went back to U.K
    John Smith got hurt his leg, in a gunpowder accident and that caused him to return to England.
  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

    Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
    John Rolfe asked the governor Sir Thomas Dale if he could marry Pocahontas for goods of lands, for the honor of the country and more
  • Pocahontas goes to England

    Pocahontas goes to England
    Pocahontas went with the Rolfe family to England because the Virgina Companyof London payed them the trip for 2 months, and Pocahontas was known as Lady Rebecca Rolfe.
  • Pocahontas became Christian

    Pocahontas became Christian
    Pocahontas became Christian and her new name was Rebecca
  • Pocahontas Dies

    Pocahontas Dies
    Pocahontas dies in 1617 because she got sick on the bote to Virginia of tuberculosis