Diminishing Progress

By alexn
  • Anthony Johnson Obtains Land in Northhampton County (Continued)

    . It shows that the color of the skin does not confirm a man’s status during the early 1600s. Africans and Englishmen were able to work together in a way that could not be done in the future.
  • Anthony Johnson Obtains Land in Northhampton County

    During the early years of slavery in America, Africans were treated about the same as Whites. Anthony Johnson married, purchases their freedom, and then acquires land like any other White. He also obtains two African servants, even though he is Black. This shows a portion of diminishing progress by showing that Blacks had the same rights as Whites during this time period. White indentured servants were surprisingly treated in the same manner or even worse than an African slave.
  • Period: to

    Diminishing Progress

    This shows how a slave's life got progressively worse.
  • Anthony Johnson Petitions for his Slave and Wins (Continued)

    In Anthony Johnson’s county, there were 20 free Africans and 13 owned homes. It was not so bad in the early days in America, but after Johnson’s life, slavery became progressively worse. His sons and descendents could never have reached or surpass him in anyway.
  • Anthony Johnson Petitions for his Slave and Wins

    A few years later, Anthony Johnson petitions for his slave and wins a court case. This allowed him to keep his servant, John Casar. Anthony Johnson was able to win a court case over a White man, Robert Parker. During these times, Africans were still treated as equals, which was pretty much impossible to win a court case in the future of the dreadful life as a Black. Slavery was just forming and was not very common in America. Any slave would actually be called “servant”.

    The children of a Negroe will serve according to the status of their mother. If their father was free and their mother was a slave, they would be considered a slave. A woman was more likely to be a slave than a man. This also decreased the chance of a White marrying an African. This was a part of diminishing progress by showing Africans are more likely to be a slave instead of free. This only helped the White men and gave them more slaves.

    If a Negroe shall runaway or disobey their masters, they are allowed to be wounded or killed by their masters. This seemed fair because their time could not be extended like they could do to indentured servants. White men tried to prevent rebellious activities of slaves, free Enslaved, or Indians by passing this act. This shows diminishing progress by showing that Whites are taking away the rights of Africans, and are striking fear into Africans.

    This final act declared that all Negroe, Mulatto, and Indian slaves are now treated as property and not human. This took away all the rights of these people. From Anthony Johnson's time, he had just about the same rights as Whites. Now they took away all the rights that he used to have. This shows diminishing progress by showing that they had rights, then some rights, and finally no rights at all. Now, it is to late for the Africans to rebel, and White men are now superior and in power.