The Child 1-3

  • Physical Development year 1

    Turns several pages of a book at a time. Picks up small objects with thumb and forefinger. Moves objects from hand to hand. May walk alone or while holding a caregiver's hand. Sits down without help. Slides down stairs backward, one step at a time.
  • Social Development 1 year

    Plays alone but often near others. Dislikes sharing toys. Desires approval. Fears some strangers
  • Intellectual Development year 1

    Begins to put two words together. Names common objects and people. Understands "no" but ignores. Finds hidden objects
  • Piaget

    Children learn through their sences and own actions.
  • Self feeding

    Eat finger foods like bananas. Can't have hard foods like carrots. Learns to eat from a spoon. Drinks from a training cup.
  • Period: to


  • Physical Development - 18 months

    Stacks from two to four blocks. Grasps crayons with a fist and scribbles. Walks well. Jumps in place. Climbs up or down one stair. Pull toys with wheels.
  • Social Patterns 18 months

    Understand that their actions have consaquents. Maybe conflict over toys that my resalt in hitting, bitting, screaming, or hair pulling.
  • Emotional Development 18 months

    Become self centered, cares about own wants and needs thinking their more inportant than others.
  • Physical Development year 2

    Stacks 6 blocks. Turns one page of a book at a time. Picks up objects from the floor without losing balance. Walks with more coordination and confidence. Jumps off the bottom step. Pushes self on wheeled toys.
  • Social Develpoment 3 year

    Engages in parallel play. Plays simple games with others. Bosses other children. Says "please" if prompted
  • Intellectual Development year 2

    Uses two-to three-word sentences. Knows about 500 words. Follows simple directions. Identifies colors.
  • Piaget

    Children think in terms of their own activities and what they perceive at the moment.
  • Self Feeding

    Know how to feed themselves. Learning to use a fork. Still developing fine motor skills. Should eat with the rest of the family
  • Social Patterns year 2

    Can read there caregivers moods. Find it fun to play with someone else but they still ingage in parallel play. They know what kind of behavior their cargiver likes and dislikes
  • Emotional Development year 2

    Speech and motor skills improve. understand more and can wait longer. express love and affection.
  • Physical Development

    Stacks 8 blocks. Screws lids on and off containers. Draws circles and horizontal and vertical lines. Alternates feet going up stairs but not going down. Runs but may not be able to stop smoothly. Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately.
  • Social Patterns 30 months

    Negativism characterizes the emotional development of the child. The child may refuse to do anything at all for one person. Begin to learn the rights of others.
  • Emotional Development 30 months

    not easly detracted. child may feel overwhelmed, and frustration becomes angry.
  • Physical Development year 3

    Stacks 9-10 blocks. Cuts with scissors. Draws recognizable pictures. Jumps up and down in place with both feet. Catches a ball with arms straight. Rides a tricycle.
  • Social Development year 3

    Taken part in brief group activities (cooperative play). Taken turns. Likes to help. Show affection.
  • Intellectual Development

    Uses longer sentences. Know about 900 words. Follows two-part directions. Sorts by color and shapes
  • Self Feeding year 3

    Knows how to fork and spoon. Have full set of primary teeth. Should be able to chew food up and meat should be cut into small peices
  • Social Patterns year 3

    Begin coorpertive play. Play in small groups. Do things another person's way justt o please them. Parents are still important but no longer in the social play.
  • Emotional Development year 3

    gernerally happy and child who is eager to help.