The Amazing Timeline

  • Mar 8, 1370

    The invention of Perume

    This was invented by hungarians
  • The invention of the brush

    Was invented by Hugh Rock
  • The Invention of the TV

    Paul Gottileb invinted the tv
  • The invention of the watch

    PEter demitroff invented this
  • THe invention of the Internet

    Robert Taylor invented the internet
  • THe invention of the Laptop

    Aln Kay invented the internet
  • The Invention of the Cell Phone

    Dr.Martin invinted the cell phone
  • The invention of of Soap

    the soap was invented by a servant in 2800 b.c
  • The inventon of Clothes

    invented in 30000 b.c by Ralp Klitter
  • The Invention of the Shoe

    Otzi the iceman invinted the shoe in 8000 b.c