The Child From One To Three

  • Developmental Milestons - Physical; 1 year

    Turns several pages of a book at once
    Piskc up small objects with thumb and forefinger
    Moves objects from ahnd to hand
    May walk alone or while holding someone's hand
    Sits down without help
    Slides down stairs backwards, one step at a time.
  • Developmeantal Milestones - Social; 1 year

    Plays alone but often near others
    dislikes sharing toys
    desires approval
    Fears some strangers.
  • Developmental Milestones - intellectual; 1 year.

    Beings to put 2 words together
    Names common objects and people
    Understands "no" but ignores
    Finds hidden objects.
  • Period: to

    The Child From One To Three

  • Developemtal Milestones - Physical; 18 months

    Stacks two or four blocks
    Grasps a crayon with a fist and scribbles
    Walks Well
    Jumps in place
    Climbs up or down on stair
    Pull toys with wheels.
  • Self-Feeding; 18 months

    Can use a spoon without spilling
    Start srinking from a sippy cup
  • Developemental Milestones - Physical; 2 years

    Stacks 6 blocks
    Turns one page of a book at a time
    Picks up objects from the floor without losing balance
    Walks with more coordination and confidence
    Jumps off the bottom step
    Pushes self on wheeled toys
  • Developmental Milestones - Social; 2 years

    Engages in parallel play
    Plays simple games with other
    Bosses other children
    Says "please" if prompted
  • Developmental Milestones - Intellectual; 2 years

    Uses 2 - 3 word sentences
    Knows about 500 words
    Follows simple directions
    Identifies colors
  • Self feeding; 2 years

    Can usually feed themsevles but take longer to eat
    Can start to use a fork
  • Developmental Milestones - Physical; 3 years

    Stacks 8 blocks
    Screws lids on and off containers
    Draws circles and lines
    Alternates feet going up stairs but not going down
    Runs but may not be able to stop smoothly
    Throws a ball overhead but inaccurately.
  • Developmental milestones - Social; 3 years

    Takes part in cooperative play
    Takes turns
    Likes to help
    Shows affection.
  • Self feeding; 3 years

    Most children have finally got the hang of feeding themselves
  • Developmenatl Milestones - Intellectual; 3 years

    Uses longer sentences
    Knows about 900 words
    Follows 2-part dirrefctions
    Sorts by color and shape