Period 6

By Room163
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    In Topeka, Kansas, a young girl, Linda Brown, was forced to walk a mile to her black school when there was a white school only seven blocks away. The case was brought all the way to the Supreme Court, and decided in favor of Brown. In winning this case, segregation was declared unconstitutional. This won not only her case, but any future cases revolving around the same topic.
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  • Emmet Till

    Emmet Till
    on a sunday afternoon Emmet Till was with some of his white friends when one dared him to talk to a 21 year old white women she told her husband and he in his rage he went to Till's house took him from his room and beat him savegly with two other white men.
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  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    click hereThe Mongomery Improvement Association to organize a boycott of the bus system and MLK was selected to lead the boycott. It lasted 381 days because blacks were sick of segregation on public transportation.Rosa Parks giving up her seat sparked the boycott. Although other people before did the same thing, she was well repected in the black community
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock NineThe Little Rock Nine was a group of nine black students that volunteered to go to Central High in Little Rock, Arkansas, as a test to see if integration of colored and white students was allowed and not something that would be thrown away and not actually enforced.
  • Greensboro 4

    Greensboro 4
    In Greensboro, North Carolina, four college students made a change. McNeil, McCain, Blair, and Richmond spent a full day at a white lunch counter at Woolworth's. They didn’t get service, but returned with others for days. The mostly peaceful sit-ins spread to other cities. Woolworth’s eventually let their black employees sit at the lunch counters, which led to all blacks being allowed the next day. Click for more info!
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders
    Civil Rights Movement-Freedom Riders, click for more information on this topicFreedom Riders atempted to ride in buses across the South to test the Supreme Court ban on segregation buses and the black and white students attempted to test the ban on segregation. When the riders reached Alabama they were met by an angry mob that attacked and beat them. The Freedom Riders wanted this to happen because the violence brought both attention and sympathy to the movement.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    Touch me a little MoreJames Meredith attended University of Mississippi. To protect him from being lynched gaurds were sent to protect him from riots. 160 marshals were wounded and two people killed. After college James Meredith published a book "Three Years in Mississippi".
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Click Here for more infoThe March on Washington was planned to show support for the Civil Rights bill. There were 250,000 people in attendance at the march on the nation's capital. This is where Dr. King made his famous speech, "I have a dream!"
  • Civil rights act 1964

    Civil rights act 1964
    NuggetIn 1964 Congress passed Public Law 82-352 (78 Stat. 241). The provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, and firing. The word "sex" was added at the last moment.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was a young delinquent who was incarcerated at age 21. While in jail he discovered the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm then became a minister for the Nation of Islam, contrasting Martin Luther kings beliefs by using violence instead of soul force. Mr. X played a huge role in the civil rights movement by advocating self defense.
  • Assassination of Dr. King

    Assassination of Dr. King
    Click here for more info.At 6:01 p.m. on April 4, 1968, a shot rang out. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who had been standing on the balcony of his room at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, TN, now lay sprawled on the balcony's floor. A gaping wound covered a large portion of his jaw and neck. A great man who had spent thirteen years of his life dedicating himself to nonviolent protest had been felled by a sniper's bullet.