Period 2

By Room163
  • Brown Vs. Board of Education Trial

    Brown Vs. Board of Education Trial
    More Info...In the early 1950's, a third grader named Linda Brown tried to register at an all white elementary school near her home; the principle refused to let her. With help from the NAACP, an injunction was requested to forbid segrgegation of public schools in Topeka, Kansas. The U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas heard Brown's case from June 25-26, 1951.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    On August 24 1955, a young black boy named Emmett Till was from Chicago and was visiting relatives in Mississippi. He claimed to some friends to have a white girlfriend and was dared to speak to a local white woman named Carolyn Bryant. What he said is unclear but she was not happy. A few days later her husband found out and asked his half brother to help find the boy. The eventually killed him Till and threw his body is the Mississippi river. They were later found not guilty for the crime.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts

    Montgomery Bus Boycotts
    The Montgomery Bus Boycotts was arguably the event that sparked the civil rights movement. The Montgomey Bus Boycott started when Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat in the black section of the bus to a white man. When she refused, she was arrested and jailed. This started what became known as the Montgomery Bus Boycott where no african-americans rode of drove any Montgomery Buses. Click here to learn more
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The Little Rock Nine were the nine African-American students involved in the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in September 23, 1957. In responce to the nine black students governor Orval Faubus ordered the Arkansas national guard to stop them from entering the school. In responce to the governors actions Dwight D. Eisenhower sent in units of the army to protect the nine students. On May 24 1955, the Little Rock School Board adopted a plan for gradual desegregation of the schools
  • Greensboro 4

    Greensboro 4
    Greensboro Four The Greensboro Four occered at segregated lunch counter of F. W. Woolworth's in Greensboro, N.C. Four black freshmen at North Carolina A&T State University, Franklin McCain, Joseph McNeil, Ezell Blair, Jr., and David Richmond were refused service and sat peacefully until the store closed. They returned the next day, along with about 25 other students, and their requests were again denied. Sit-ins were inspired all over.
  • Freedom Riders

    Freedom Riders Riders attempted to ride in buses across the South to test the Supreme Court ban on segregating buses. White and black college students volunteered to test the ruling on desegregation. Actions were so bad that the President called in the Federal Marshals.. Many of the white Southerners were angry and beat the Freedom Riders because of their mission to test the ruling on desegregation.
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    MORE INFORMATIONJames Meredith was an Air Force Vereran who won a federal court case that allowed him to enroll in the all-white University of Mississippi. JFK ordered federal marshalls to escort Meredith when he registered, then riots broke out through out the campus in protest to Meredith's acceptance.
  • March On Washington

    March On Washington
    The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom took place in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. Attended by some 250,000 people, it was the largest demonstration ever seen in the nation's capital, and one of the first to have extensive television coverage. Read more: Civil Rights March on Washington (History, Facts, Martin Luther King Jr.) —
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    Click Here The Civil Rights Act was an act passed which banned racial discrimination in public places. It also required employers to provide equal employment rights to all employees.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    click hereMalcolm X was a membre of the Nation to Islam or black Muslims. He said thatblacks should separate from whites. Malcolm made a pilgrimage to Mecca and changed his thinking; he now began to preach racial equality and he also had broke from the Nation of Islam. Malcolm was assassinated by members of the Nation of Islam.
  • Voting Rights Act

    click here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The Voting Right Act was ten weeks after the march. It was a huge piece of legislation was passed. It meant that there would be no more litercacy tests and gave fedreal government more power for election laws.
  • Mississippi Burning

    Mississippi Burning
    police stationDuring freedom summer in 1964, 3 students James E. Chaney, Michael Schwerner, and Andrew Goodman voluntered to go down south and help blacks register to vote. The 3 students were pulled over at a routine traffic stop and taken to a nearby police station. The police gave the Ku Klux Klan information on their release and then released the students so they could be jumped by the klan. The students were found several days later and to this day the Klan members have never been caught.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s Assassination
    Click here for more informationMr. King was the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Unfortunatly He was assainated on April 4th 1968 outside of his hotel room. He was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Mr. King was considered the most influential Civil Rights Activist.