Germany- 1919-1933

By bycicle
  • kaiser Abdicates

    kaiser Abdicates
    Germany is in a state of chaos during war
    Kaisers turns down the allies offer for peace
    revolts occured - so he abbdicated
  • Armistice WW1

    Armistice WW1
    Germany was virtually bankrupt
    war had created divisions in society
    600, 000 widows
  • Weimar Goverment

    Weimar Goverment
    free elections take place for 1st time
  • German Workers Party

    German Workers Party
    Anton Drexler founded the German Workers Party in 1919- had strong nationalistic views and was anti-sematic
  • Hitler asked to Join

    Hitler asked to Join
    Hitler had been a spy for the goverment looking at outer goverment parties, he was keen on this pary and was asked to join in September 1919
  • 25 Points

    25 Points
    This speech, Hitler spoke about twenty-five points of the German Worker's Party. Some were to abolish treaty of Versailles, a Greater Germany, Eastern expansion, exclusion of Jews from citizenship.
  • Nazi Party

    Nazi Party
    Name was changed to National Socialist German Workers party (Nazi) so that it appealed to a broader range of German Citizens
  • Chairmen

    Hitler was ellected Chairmen of Nazi group. He became the sole leader of this orgainisation all decisions made by him. He brought out his views stronger than before and introduced the SA to attack other partys. Saw this group as a was to overthrow the Weimar Goverment.
  • Hyperinflation

    ended in 1923 Money became worthless as Greman goverment printed more and more to repay debts
    starvation and ANGER
  • Ruhr

    Miss 1922 Payment
    French and belgians troops enter Gremany to take raw materials and goods to repay treaty of versailles
    people stop producing (passive resistance)-this does not hekllp economy-GERMANY FAILS
  • Party Grew

    Party Grew
    The french and Beligiums cam to Ruhr to take the rest or reparation payments. This caused chaos in German, the KPD (communist party) attempted a revolution. Reactions made the Nazi party member count grow to 20, 000
  • Stressman Chancellor

    Stressman Chancellor
    he became leader of Weimar goverment
    Calls off pasive resistance
    renegotiates traety of Versailles
    Create new currnency (end hyperinflation)
  • Munich Putsch

    Munich Putsch
    This was an attempted revolution that failed miserably. Hitler interupted a goverment meeting saying he was going to take over. Nazi storm troopers began taking over official buildings but were soon stopped by the police that killed around 16 Nazis. Hitler was arrested
  • Hitler In jail after Putsch

    Hitler In jail after Putsch
    It was meant to be a life sentance
    charged 5 yrs of which he served 9mths
    in this time he wrote Mein kampf (soon besteller) and decided to gain power legally
  • Nazi Party starts power

    Nazi Party starts power
    Nazi gained 32 seats in Reichstag
    continue to increse supporters by appealing to workers however this group was oalrwady represented by various parys eg SPD. So they tergetted peasant farmers and middle class shop owners.