
Industrial Revolution; The Timeline of all Timelines 14663

By 14663
  • Steam engine invented!

    Steam engine invented!
    Thomas Savery invents the steam engine. This will power machines and railroad engines.
  • The Seed Drill is Invented

    The Seed Drill is Invented
    Jethro Tull invented the seed drill in 1701. This allowed for even spacing and depth of seeds, causing crop production to rise dramatically.
  • Jermey Bentham

    Jermey Bentham
    Invented Utilitarianism. It's the belief that people and institutions should be judged and applied based on their usefulness.
  • The Flying Shuttle is Invented

    The Flying Shuttle is Invented
    John Kay invented the flying shuttle in 1733 to allow a weaver to double their output by moving back and forth with yawn in between.
  • Utilitarianism

    Brought about by Jeremy Bentham. "The greatest good for the greatest amount of people." People and institutions are judged based on their usefulness. John stuart Mill advanced Bentham's ideas.
  • James Watt

    James Watt
    Improved the steam engine to allow it to be powerful enough to run machines.
  • Capitalism

    Adam smith was the main founder of this in his book Wealth of Nations. Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo supported his ideas. People invest in business in order to make a profit in their own self interest
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    Inventor of Capitalism. Wrote the Wealth of Nations
  • The spinning jenny is invented.

    The spinning jenny is invented.
    James Hargreaves invention allowed spinners and weavers to do 8 peices of thread at once. Profits skyrocketed.
  • Samuel Slater

    Samuel Slater
    British engineer that emigrated to the US and brought plans to build a spinning machine.
  • The Cotton Gin is Invented.

    The Cotton Gin is Invented.
    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin, cleaning cotton faster. Cotton production in the US went crazy. South became more dependent on slaves.
  • Steam Boat Invented

    Steam Boat Invented
    Robert Fulton invents the steam boat. Boats can now travel fast up rivers!
  • Francis Cabot Lowell

    Francis Cabot Lowell
    Paved the way for large textile industry growth in the US. (Lowell, Mass)
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    Completed the first railroad line!
  • Slavery is abolished in B.E.

    Slavery is abolished in B.E.
    Parliament ends slavery in the British Empire due to its economic and moral consequences. William Wilberforce was the primary motivater in England.
  • Socialism

    Charles Fourier and Saint-Simon are two french philosophers that believed the government should control business and the market to make it fair.
  • Women's movement begins in the U.S.

    Women's movement begins in the U.S.
    With the industrial revolution in full swing, women began rising up to combat unequality at home and the workplace. This will eventually lead to the International Council of Women and many famous activists. Jane Addams, for example, set up settlement houses for the poor.
  • Communism

    Communism, a form of complete socialism is founded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels when they wrote The Communist Manifesto. They believed that Capitalism would crumble and the poor revolt against the rich, resulting in a classless society.
  • Public School Reform.

    Public School Reform.
    Horace Mann of Massachusetts begins convincing the state and federal governments to provide free schooling for children in order to give them an education.
  • Civil War ends in U.S.

    Civil War ends in U.S.
    After the Southern states in the United states break off and rebell to keep slavery, the war finally ends with the Union being the victor. Slavery effectively ends.