Mememe 041

My Life.

  • Ally Mae Reese was born. OH HAPPY DAY[:

    Ally Mae Reese was born. OH HAPPY DAY[:
  • Started playin piano!

    Started playin piano!
    Arent i amaziiing?[:
  • Started 8 and under[:

    Started 8 and under[:
    13 has been my number since then[:
  • Broke my right wrist/:

    Broke my right wrist/:
    STILL PLAYED SOFTBAALL[: Whattta champ[:
  • Won the 4th grade spelling be at Rose Hill[:

    Won the 4th grade spelling be at Rose Hill[:
    Can you spell supercalifragilisticexpealidocious?
  • Graduated 6th grade.[:

    Graduated 6th grade.[:
  • House burned down.

    House burned down.
  • Moved to stillwater.

    Moved to stillwater.
  • Currently go to stillwater junior higghhh[:

    Currently go to stillwater junior higghhh[:
  • Plan to Graduate[:

    Plan to Graduate[:
  • Go to med school, Graduate, and become a Pediatrition.

    Go to med school, Graduate, and become a Pediatrition.