16 Objects Since 1950

By welchh
  • Mobile Phones

    Mobile Phones
    Handheld device that allows for communication over far distances. Many modern devices include the internet, bluetooth, games and more.
  • Remote Control

    Remote Control
    The remote control has undergone many renovations and it is a device that is essential to TVs today.
  • Cpmputer chip (Integrated cicuit)

    Cpmputer chip (Integrated cicuit)
    Small circuits used in a variety of devices including computers, and mobile phones.
  • Nuclear Power

    Nuclear Power
    Nuclear power was invented as an alternative energy source, utilizing fossil fuels to produce energy.
  • Microwave Oven

    Microwave Oven
    Invented by Percy Spencer, the microwave allows people to heat food items in a short amount of time.
  • Internet

    Created by the government for miltary use.
  • 8-track tape player

    8-track tape player
    Invented by Bill Lear, this device revolutionized the music industry and was the precursor to popular devices such as the walkman, MP3 player, and ipod.
  • Laptop

    Invented by Alan Kay. Portable computers that are widely used today.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    A mission to the moon. The crew successfully returned back to earth despite an oxygen tank malfunction.
  • MRI Machine

    MRI Machine
    A medical machine that shows the body's inner structure
  • First Motorola Cell Phone

    First Motorola Cell Phone
    Martin Copper developed Motorola's first mobile cell phone.
  • GPS

    This global positioning system can provide an exact location at all times and give directions.
  • DNA fingerprinting

    DNA fingerprinting
    Alec Jeffrey's created a database where you could detect small differences in DNA.
  • Hybrid Car

    Hybrid Car
    An eco-friendly car that has a two part engine; combining gas and electricity.
  • MP3 Player

    MP3 Player
    Introduced by Korean company Saehan. Allows people to store music on this small, portable device.
  • IPod

    Invented by Apple, this device is a step up from the traditional MP3 player. People are able to listen to music and watch movie on this small device.